
関連ハッシュタグ: #RachelCorrie #flotilla #Gaza 6月5日のレイチェル・コリー号の動きを、ガザ自由船団の中の人たちのtweetsを中心に。日本時間で正午前に、この日最初に「レイチェル・コリー号が拿捕された」との情報がイスラエル側から流され、午後2時台それが誤情報(デマ、おそらくは意図的な)だったことが確認されるまで。 続きを読む

Report from the ship's passengers. They have NOT been boarded. Followed by Israeli warships only. #Flotilla

2010-06-05 12:05:35

Confusing information coming from ship. Please bear with us as we do our best to get accurate information. #Flotilla

2010-06-05 12:06:43


2010-06-05 12:09:44

Latest Confirmed Report from Peja 15 mins ago on Rachel Corrie: 3 boats within 6km radius. No boarding yet.Radar Jammed #Flotilla

2010-06-05 12:15:03

Only reliable info on #RachelCorrie is that Israeli ships were shadowing. Not definitive it has been boarded. Waiting. #flotilla

2010-06-05 12:17:12

'Rachel Corrie' boarded by Navy at 5:50 am: Reported on Twitter. Three navy boats involved. No one hurt. http://bit.ly/dtDTNB

2010-06-05 12:20:12

うーーん、エルサレム・ポストでもこれかー http://bit.ly/bnP2ec Reported on Twitter. って言われても…その元はアイルランドのラジオだっけか http://url.ie/6ej6

2010-06-05 12:25:18

現在のBBC Newsのサイトのトップページのキャプチャ(トップニュースの部分だけ) BBC NEWS via kwout http://kwout.com/t/24xfgb7f

2010-06-05 12:28:17


2010-06-05 12:29:39

The IDF has not yet made contact with the new ships attempting to breach the naval blockade in Gaza.

2010-06-05 12:30:50

.@justicentric I don't trust JPost report. Whose Twitter accounts are they referring to? Don't think anyone been tweeting from the boat.

2010-06-05 12:30:51

Israel seizes new Gaza-bound aid ship: activist http://link.reuters.com/zex38k

2010-06-05 12:33:03


2010-06-05 12:45:52
PressTV Ir @Press_TV

PressTV - Israeli forces approach the Rachel Corrie http://bit.ly/d6aMv8

2010-06-05 12:11:00
nofrills 🍉 #ガザ市民の声翻訳 (旧 #ガザ投稿翻訳)発起人 @nofrills

イランPressTV: http://bit.ly/d6aMv8 ガザから記者の報告:金曜遅くイスラエル海軍がラジオ・衛星シグナルに対し妨害電波。「RC号からの連絡が途絶えて8時間になる」。同号に乗っているのはアイルランド人とマレーシア人支援活動者で、積荷は薬品、建築資材、紙など

2010-06-05 12:40:37
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

Am suspicious of authenticity of certain *recently created, unfamiliar* accounts tweeting about fate of #RachelCorrie #Flotilla

2010-06-05 12:43:00
Reuters @Reuters

FLASH: Activists on Gaza-bound aid ship say have not been boarded by Israeli navy, but being shadowed

2010-06-05 12:43:54
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

On the phone with passengers. 25 miles from Gaza. They have NOT been boarded but are followed by two war ships. #Flotilla

2010-06-05 12:47:30
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

Report from Malaysians: Rachel is not turning around until they get to destination. Two warships from the back. Will continue. #Flotilla

2010-06-05 12:49:22
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

No contact with the Israeli navy who has not contacted them at all. Ship proceeding toward Gaza. #Flotilla

2010-06-05 12:54:56
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

SKY NEWS reports they talked to passengers just now. They have NOT been boarded and are on their way to Gaza. #Flotilla

2010-06-05 12:57:34
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

.@AJArabic: As of 20min ago #RachelCorrie not boarded per Rami Abdo organizer in London who says organizers spoke to it. #flotilla

2010-06-05 12:58:24
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

Trying to contact passengers on dedicated phone. No answer from them. #Flotilla

2010-06-05 13:12:53
BBC ME English @bbcme

New Gaza aid ship 'intercepted': The Israeli navy intercepts the latest aid ship to try to break its blockade of G... http://bit.ly/bJcwSb

2010-06-05 13:19:42