
関連ハッシュタグ: #RachelCorrie #flotilla #Gaza 6月5日のレイチェル・コリー号の動きを、ガザ自由船団の中の人たちのtweetsを中心に。日本時間で正午前に、この日最初に「レイチェル・コリー号が拿捕された」との情報がイスラエル側から流され、午後2時台それが誤情報(デマ、おそらくは意図的な)だったことが確認されるまで。 続きを読む

At 10 am Malaysian time today, Matthias Chang from the Rachel Corrie informed his son that israeli navy ships approaching the ship.

2010-06-05 11:16:32
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

'Rachel Corrie' near Alexandria, sailing along coast being approached by fast patrol boat

2010-06-05 11:18:33
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

At 10 am Malaysian time today, Matthias Chang from the Rachel Corrie informed his son that israeli navy ships approaching the ship

2010-06-05 11:23:40

Mairead McGuire has informed Al Jazeera of the impending Israeli navy ships 1015 am Malaysian time

2010-06-05 11:27:07

Ship is 55 miles away from Gaza at the moment. Israeli navy ships are follwing the Rachel.

2010-06-05 11:29:29
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

Just spoke with Greta: Rachel Corrie 35mi from Gaza with Israeli warships approaching fast #flotilla http://post.ly/iUrQ

2010-06-05 11:30:12
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

イスラエルのラジオ報道。すべての衛星信号がイスラエル当局によってジャミングされている(妨害電波) http://twitter.com/PGPOrg/status/15459552069

2010-06-05 11:45:28
Rachel Corrie FB grp @RachelCorriefb

Rt PGPOrg : Israeli Radio reporting that all satellite signals have been jammed by the Israeli authorities.... http://bit.ly/ceQheE

2010-06-05 11:36:56

Israeli navy has boarded the Rachel Corrie...unconfirmed reports

2010-06-05 11:38:43
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

http://post.ly/iUrQ フリー・ガザ運動のグレタさん、この30分ほどの間にレイチェル・コリー号と直接の通信。船は南からエジプトの沿岸、エジプト領海外を航行中。現在ガザから35マイルほど。イスラエルの軍艦(warships)2隻と高速艇1隻に追跡されている。

2010-06-05 11:39:14

There are 3 ships Israeli navy ships reported and they have boarded...unconfirmed reports

2010-06-05 11:41:04
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

Israeli Radio reporting that all satellite signals have been jammed by Israeli authorities. #Flotilla

2010-06-05 11:44:31

Reports now that the Rachel Corrie has been taken by the Israeli navy. They have boarded the ship.

2010-06-05 11:44:39
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

http://twitter.com/PGPOrg/status/15460078326 レイチェル・コリー号が、イスラエル海軍によって押さえられたとの報告。イスラエル側がRC号に乗り込んだ。 #flotilla #RachelCorrie

2010-06-05 11:47:03
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

Unconfirmed reports from Israeli radio say troops have boarded Rachel Corrie. #Flotilla

2010-06-05 11:45:17
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

Reports from Malaysians that the Rachel Corrie has been taken by the Israeli navy who has boarded the ship. #Flotilla

2010-06-05 11:46:21
Rachel Corrie FB grp @RachelCorriefb

RT @freegazaorg: Unconfirmed reports from Israeli radio say troops have boarded Rachel Corrie. #Flotilla... http://bit.ly/aYfAbt

2010-06-05 11:46:38
PalestineFrdmProject @PalFreedom

AP wire: #Gaza aid #flotilla ship Rachel Corrie intercepted by Israeli navy: http://bit.ly/cOySP0

2010-06-05 11:48:17

Reports now that the Rachel Corrie has been taken by the Israeli navy. They have boarded the ship. #FreedomFlotilla#Flotilla#RachelCorrie

2010-06-05 11:53:10
Rachel Corrie FB grp @RachelCorriefb

No struggle or injuries, but the Rachel Corrie has been captured. Communications jammed. Report from Irish radio.... http://bit.ly/bduQ9w

2010-06-05 11:55:23

Reorts of boarding of ship unconfirmed. We are looking for confirmation.#FreedomFlotilla

2010-06-05 11:56:49