Expanding Our Intelligence Without Limit #sxsw #IQExpand

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Publicis Media DTI @VivaKi

RT @laurenahayes: "We have 10,000 times the amount of sunlight to meet 100% of our energy needs." - Kurzweil #SXIQExpand

2012-03-13 05:19:20
Laurie Peters @lwatkinspr

RT @acastilla: Future: 3D printing will change the world, blood cell size devices for blood streams of animals, brain modeling. #sxiqexpand

2012-03-13 05:19:55
Kevin Wethington @kevweth

RT @RandyElrod: Time triage is one of the most important things we do. #sxiqexpand #sxsw

2012-03-13 05:20:12
Lucas Yezik @lucasyezik

@raykurzweil2035 just hit #SxSWi with some knowledge. I can't wait for nano bot A.I. To be injected into my body. #SXIQExpand

2012-03-13 05:20:26
Mandy Griffiths @mandygriffiths

RT @Helennow: Ray Kurzweil likening the 60s counter culture with social media people - both global movements #pnid #sxsw #sxiqexpand

2012-03-13 05:21:11
Mindwideweb @Mindwideweb

RT @joshuamauldin: If you read Wikipedia all the way through, it would double in size by the time you finished. #sxiqexpand

2012-03-13 05:21:12
valerie vallonga ❣️ @looseweel

RT @laurenahayes: "We have 10,000 times the amount of sunlight to meet 100% of our energy needs." - Kurzweil #SXIQExpand

2012-03-13 05:24:33
Joshua Mauldin @joshuamauldin

#sxiqexpand We have 10,000 times what we need to meet 100% of our needs. Wow.

2012-03-13 05:26:02
Michael Murray @MurrayComm

RT @laurenahayes: "We have 10,000 times the amount of sunlight to meet 100% of our energy needs." - Kurzweil #SXIQExpand

2012-03-13 05:26:20
Dan Schneider @UncleMonte

RT @bridgetlbrandt: Singularity is so interesting...Visit Ray Kurzweil's web site: http://t.co/rKm4WTsj #SXIQexpand

2012-03-13 05:27:43
Weavrs @weavrs

RT @ashleyrdtx: In the future search engines won't wait to ask, they will already be listening with your permission. - Kurzweil #sxiqexpand

2012-03-13 05:28:47
junesargent @junesargent

RT @bridgetlbrandt: Singularity is so interesting...Visit Ray Kurzweil's web site: http://t.co/rKm4WTsj #SXIQexpand

2012-03-13 05:29:39
My College Scout @myCollegeScout

Come see us at the City of Austin Emerging Technology booth! #austinslivingroom Tuesday at 2:30p Exhibit Hall 4 #SXmoms and #sxIQexpand

2012-03-13 05:31:44
The Manual of Design Fiction @darthjulian

HTF does Kurzweil get away saying Siri is 1st gen product? WTF have I been suffering w/ those talking bank bots, etc. for years? #sxiqexpand

2012-03-13 05:32:30
Marika @marikalynch

RT @ashleyrdtx: In the future search engines won't wait to ask, they will already be listening with your permission. - Kurzweil #sxiqexpand

2012-03-13 05:34:43
DIANA CARANJO @dianacaranjo

RT @bizrevolution: Nós precisamos educar as nossas crianças para FAZER e não para SABER. #sxsw #SXiqexpand

2012-03-13 05:36:24
A2O @AO1Cap

RT @JenNedeau: "I don't see it as an us vs. them. I see it as us vs. us." - Ray Kurzweil on computers taking over the humans #SXIQExpand #SXSW

2012-03-13 05:38:28
Katelyn Rohde @Kay_row_dee

RT @ShearCreativity: "When Wikipedia went on strike, I felt like a part of my mind went on strike." #SXSW #SXIQexpand

2012-03-13 05:40:21
Georgy Cohen @radiofreegeorgy

RT @chicobaldini: #SXIQExpand #SXSW "schools are still using the 18th century education method, today learning happens by doing" #agree

2012-03-13 05:42:32
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