(検索結果無編集) Google+新UIの #whitespace について

justin @hannigan

I checked out the new Google+ for a few minutes. I believe my pupils are more dilated than after a visit to the optometrist. #whitespace

2012-04-12 03:12:32
Matt Riley @matthew_riley

And I thought only Facebook people go crazy when the design changed. :) #newgoogleplus #whitespace https://t.co/SInVcnth

2012-04-12 03:33:36
Vincent Leeuw @Cyhwuhx

OK, everybody's going nuts over the #whitespace in the new #googleplus. :) Happy with my own screen, but seriously @google: fix it.

2012-04-12 03:48:53
2bluesolutions @2BlueSolutions

Seems to be some complaints about the #whitespace visible on the new Google #Plus layout. Solution? http://t.co/qBCCGR8a

2012-04-12 03:49:56
CoffeeDad @coffee_daddy

Excellent use of post-it notes RT @2BlueSolutions: the #whitespace on the new Google #Plus. Solution? http://t.co/PEN89dM9 #coffee

2012-04-12 03:51:22
Jessica Blumel @jeblume

Great idea! ;) @2BlueSolutions: complaints about the #whitespace visible on the new Google #Plus layout. Solution? http://t.co/JbDq5xj1

2012-04-12 03:53:20
Matthew Cantwell @MatthewCantwell

@pixel2html not yet, but I understand the attempt at clarity & #whitespace. Question is what were they trying to address? and what's next?

2012-04-12 04:02:26
Bruno Ribeiro @bhr

Novo layout do google+ criou um novo meme: #whitespace

2012-04-12 04:03:57

@corewarrior The #Whitespace is used when you start a Hangout ! We Should try it !

2012-04-12 04:04:05
Chris Wardman @chris_wardman

RT @2BlueSolutions: Seems to be some complaints about the #whitespace visible on the new Google #Plus layout. Solution? http://t.co/qBCCGR8a

2012-04-12 04:04:23
Adam Rivet @AdamRivet

Include a tab in the #whitespace with +Opera arrange tab to #usethewhitespace with the #newgoogleplus

2012-04-12 04:09:49
Viviane Lima @vivianepego

Vamos ver quem tem a proposta mais criativa para o q fazer com o tanto de espaço em branco no googleplus #whitespace #newgoogleplus

2012-04-12 04:17:28
MatQ @MatAQ80

God that #whitespace in #googleplus is really terrible. Put something there or something google.

2012-04-12 04:25:47
Faction @FactionMedia

How cute... Google designed in some room for Facebook in the #newgoogleplus. #whitespace http://t.co/LuuQtmk2

2012-04-12 04:28:39
Jukka Niiranen mstdn.social/@jukkan @jukkan

Forget Instagram, Google acquires #WhiteSpace for $120M and turns #newgoogleplus into THE coolest social network: http://t.co/Yf4h40GF

2012-04-12 04:29:35
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