3.11 WorldWideView

海外の3.11ツイートを拾ってみた。100万フォロワークラスがぞろぞろいるが、ほとんど知らん。むこうにはTwilog みたいなものはないのかな、あんまり必要なさそうだな。
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Breaking News @BreakingNews

Japan nuclear plant update: Hourly radiation leaking from Fukushima is equal to amount permitted in one year, official tells Kyodo

2011-03-12 18:25:16
Jamie Laou @iJever

The biggest Nuclear power plant explosion in the world that has exploded was in Russia in Ukraine and that was without warning. in RUSSIA

2011-03-12 18:27:53
Brian Dunning @BrianDunning

Fukushima nuclear plant does NOT have a combustible graphite core like Chernobyl. A total meltdown should flow into underground containment.

2011-03-12 18:28:16
Breaking News @BreakingNews

Japan nuclear plant update: Area residents told to stay indoors, not drink tap water and to cover faces with wet towels or masks - Sky News

2011-03-12 18:44:00
West Wing Report @WestWingReport

A top U.S. scientific group: "We do not believe the safety standards for U.S. nuclear reactors are enough to protect the public today"

2011-03-12 20:45:17

Justin Bieber donated $1 million to Japan. ♥ #ProudOfJustin

2011-03-12 21:17:10
Al Jazeera Breaking News @AJENews

Nuclear analyst John Large tells #AlJazeera: "All jigsaw pieces of the 3mile island disaster are coming together at #Fukushima, #Japan"

2011-03-12 22:19:03
Breaking News @BreakingNews

Nuclear safety authority: Any radiation from explosion at Fukushima nuclear plant will likely be blown out over Pacific http://bit.ly/h51bRn

2011-03-13 03:12:35
Reuters @Reuters

FLASH: Japan's nuclear safety agency says Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant No. 3 reactor's emergency cooling system not functioning

2011-03-13 05:56:59
Tammy Bruce @HeyTammyBruce

Amazing. He doesn't care about anything, incl nuclear meltdown "Just Warm Enough for Golf, Obama Back on the Course" http://abcn.ws/h22S6M

2011-03-13 05:57:48
Breaking News @BreakingNews

Japan's nuclear safety agency reports an emergency at a second reactor - AP http://bit.ly/hk8r1u

2011-03-13 07:34:11
Breaking News @BreakingNews

15 near Fukushima nuclear plant exposed to radiation - Kyodo News

2011-03-13 08:15:38
Barack Obama @BarackObama

Delivering a statement about Japan from the Rose Garden. Watch live at 3:30pm ET. http://wh.gov/live

2011-03-18 04:20:03
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