
■ダーレオーエン選手の全部のツイートです。ダーレオーエン選手のご冥福をお祈りします。 ■Olympic swimmer Alexander Dale Oen's all tweets http://chirpstory.com/li/7065 ■日本と北島康介選手(@kitajimakosuke)に関するツイートだけ集めたまとめ →「北島康介選手の友人であり、最大のライバルであったダーレオーエン選手のツイート集」 http://togetter.com/li/296765 続きを読む
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Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

Just spent 30 min in the test-pool in Potdam figuring out my weak-spots. Looks like things are coming together better the I thought!

2010-01-26 21:21:37
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

Hard session in the pool in at 5. Better get some rest! zzz

2010-01-26 21:24:39
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

swimming like a madman down here in Potsdam.Rockin´the pool! OOHYEAH!

2010-01-27 07:14:23
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

yesterdays hard session really brought me down today.. this morning was PAIN..

2010-01-27 21:35:44
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

iPad?it that the interactiv maxiPAD for women?

2010-01-28 07:08:36
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

The new maxiPAD comes with fire-truck-alarm.. Wonder where Steve Jobs gets his Vision from?

2010-01-28 07:42:30
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

hard session tonight. better get some rest

2010-01-28 22:12:59
Charlotte Thorstvedt @cthorstvedt

på vei til bergen! spiller på feliz i kveld, get yo booty down there!

2010-01-29 01:51:50
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

So Charlotte Thorstedt is playing at Felize tonight?I guess they are expecting to bump the prosentage of guys up from 80% to 90%

2010-01-29 06:38:56
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

need to pack my stuff. goodbye Potsdam, Hello Bergen!

2010-01-29 06:55:15
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

almost 3000 meter kick this morning.. wonder if I can walk tomorrow

2010-02-01 17:32:54
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

Finished with weights, now its time for 2 hours in the pool! Wonder when im gonna get the "swimmers-high?"

2010-02-01 23:01:06
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

arh, makes me sick that i havent been skiing the last days.. so much powder,so little time

2010-02-02 02:15:58
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

@TV2Magnus Jævli bra gjort Magnus ang Norseman!!Gleder meg te å se fortsettelsen!

2010-02-02 05:50:02
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

This morning was aweful! Swam like crap, slept even worse..

2010-02-02 17:49:06
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

easy swim this morning, loong distances and some speedstuff in the end.. gonna be hard tonight!

2010-02-03 17:36:22
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