
■ダーレオーエン選手の全部のツイートです。ダーレオーエン選手のご冥福をお祈りします。 ■Olympic swimmer Alexander Dale Oen's all tweets http://chirpstory.com/li/7065 ■日本と北島康介選手(@kitajimakosuke)に関するツイートだけ集めたまとめ →「北島康介選手の友人であり、最大のライバルであったダーレオーエン選手のツイート集」 http://togetter.com/li/296765 続きを読む
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Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

Picked up my new lean mean driving machine today.very happy so far #Subaru #xv https://t.co/Ln2K0ZaJ

2012-03-30 03:23:52
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

@vikingtradersuk Altfor fort!La oss hale det litt ut med go gammeldags syretrening! ;)

2012-03-30 03:46:02
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

"Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come..." http://t.co/506ns9UN

2012-03-30 03:47:54
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

Superhygg å være hos #skavlan og enda hyggeligere med så masse positiv tblmld fra dere.For en fantastisk start på dagen!!

2012-03-31 17:58:43
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

Downloading todays program and getting ready to hit the pool with @alexhetland

2012-03-31 18:04:40
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

Moving to Japan untill London Olympics.Looking forward to train with the group at NTS

2012-04-01 22:39:37
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

April fools!Not moving to Japan,even tho i´d like too.Funny when a couple of journalists called to confirm.. #1st #april

2012-04-02 05:08:06
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

@frebrake haha!Har faktisk møtt han karen der! Hvor fant du bildet?

2012-04-02 21:37:50
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

Big congrats goes out to @kitajimakosuke for an excellent 58.9 swim in the Japan Trials

2012-04-03 22:57:28
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

Tragiske nyheter,spesielt nå som sommeren nærmer seg.Hvem har ansvaret?http://t.co/Z98Hyn1d #svømming #ferdigheter

2012-04-05 19:06:02
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

#ff goes out to @mikeyemery and @johannkoss for being part and leading one of the worlds best voluntary organizations #RightToPlay

2012-04-06 23:07:57
Great Minds Quotes @GreatestQuotes

"Discontent is the first necessity of progress." - Thomas Edison

2012-04-08 11:50:03
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

10 days in Iceland is over and time to get back to Norway,repack and leave for Flagstaff,USA #trainingcamp

2012-04-08 20:45:23
Alexander Dale Oen @alexdaleoen

36 hours at home,and off again.. this time to Flagstaff,Arizona. #altitude #camp

2012-04-10 07:11:35
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