
Malcolm Moore @MalcolmMoore

RT @samgeall: Whoops, Global Times changes its tune quickly on Chen Guangcheng, as spotted by @cmphku: http://t.co/uxol1uD4

2012-05-02 21:04:14
Malcolm Moore @MalcolmMoore

RT @ChinaGeeks: CGC announcement and condemnation has now aired on CCTV News, see video here: http://t.co/Kznvt3Kn

2012-05-02 20:05:46
Michael Anti @mranti

美国官员证实,陈光诚明确表态不去美国,他希望留在中国继续自己的事业。via @keithrichburg

2012-05-02 19:25:32
Tom Lasseter @TomLasseter

Line of security blocking journalists across corridor from Chen Guangcheng http://t.co/IRddz2Jn

2012-05-02 18:51:16
Yunchao Wen 💙💛 @wenyunchao


2012-05-02 18:13:47
Yunchao Wen 💙💛 @wenyunchao

陈光诚周三下午搭乘骆家辉座驾去北京医院。 http://t.co/pc98SGor

2012-05-02 17:20:53
Cate Wang @petrelwz

华盛顿邮报记者说,陈在朝阳医院。跟骆家辉在一块。RT @keithrichburg: Chen is now at Chaoyang hospital in Beijing, with Amb Gary Locke.

2012-05-02 17:06:12
Keith Richburg @keithrichburg

Chen is now at Chaoyang hospital in Beijing, with Amb Gary Locke. China's foreign ministry is demanding the US "apologize" for the incident.

2012-05-02 17:01:32
Teng Biao @tengbiao

什么自行离开?是美国使馆人员陪光诚出来看病。RT @petrelwz: 新华社北京5月2日电 据了解,山东省沂南县人陈光诚于4月下旬进入美国驻华使馆停留6天后自行离开。

2012-05-02 16:44:15
Zeng Jinyan 曾金燕 @zengjinyan

Since CGC escaped, they haven't punished his persecutors in Shandong...supporters have been detained or disappeared http://t.co/wuig7Yzg

2012-05-02 10:54:31
Zeng Jinyan 曾金燕 @zengjinyan

@tengbiao 是的,极其悲哀地看到,什么都没有改变,光诚的诉求,可归结到要求“法治”,用非法治手段解决得了真正关系到每一个中国人利害的问题吗?为光诚全家祈祷祝福,为身为中国人一份子喊一声:努力推动改变,只能从自己开始!

2012-05-02 10:35:29
Teng Biao @tengbiao


2012-05-02 09:48:09