
EURO2012ドイツ×オランダ戦にまつわる自転車界の悲喜こもごも。とりあえず一番盛り上がってたスカイの選手VSDS陣と、ロットのいつもの愉快な仲間たちをメインにまとめてみました。 ※編者がサッカーあまり詳しくない&つぶやきの量が多すぎて追いきれなかったので、取得漏れが多々あると思われます。編集可能になってますのでどなたか追加おねがいいたします_| ̄|○
Greg Henderson OLY, BSc. @Greghenderson1

Hey @HansenAdam its a game isn't it. You play a game of soccer? Its not a sport is it?

2012-06-14 05:02:25
Adam Hansen @HansenAdam

Change the channel @Greghenderson1?? I know we saw Die Hard 10times before & we dont understand dutch dubbing but football is borrring......

2012-06-14 05:02:27
Adam Hansen @HansenAdam

You mean like basketball? They are far better then these guys, scoring more often in smaller goal. @AndreGreipel @Greghenderson1 @gcotty1174

2012-06-14 05:08:27
Adam Hansen @HansenAdam

@Greghenderson1 like monopoly game? Game of chess? I hear you...... About as exciting too....

2012-06-14 05:10:19



beat @gregory_rast on the Play Station 2:0 Ger : NL is that a good sign 👍👍 for the game now....???

2012-06-14 03:44:46
Gregory Rast @gregory_rast

@andykloedi i am a bad PSP soccer player!! So thats not gonna help GER at all!! Hup hup

2012-06-14 03:52:57
Jens Voigt @thejensie

Gotta send a pic of new bike tomorrow, now concentrated on soccer game, European Championchips, Germany vers Holland. Important game!!!

2012-06-14 05:34:03


Marcel Kittel @marcelkittel

I really enjoy watching Oranje against Germany in the Netherlands! 2:0... :))) but there're only sad/angry faces around me. :P

2012-06-14 04:25:55
Marcel Kittel @marcelkittel

I would like to summarize the game so far with a picture of @merijnzeeman :D http://t.co/AnazNV2I

2012-06-14 04:35:48
Marcel Kittel @marcelkittel

When I drove to the Netherlands I saw a new traffic sign just before the border. Pretty cool. ;) http://t.co/MtB5rggl

2012-06-14 04:44:02
野次馬でごめん @yajiumadegomen

オランダチームのドイツ人として「まわりがみんな暗い顔だよ♪」とドSっぷりを見せつけたキッテルくんもお見逃しなく https://t.co/Y3cBWoT2 https://t.co/Dzk14wie

2012-06-14 09:36:34


. @tomasvaitkus

Germany vs Holland hmmm and now what? I like them and them :/

2012-06-14 03:46:32
Koen de Kort @koendekort

What the?! RT @Greghenderson1: Apparently there is a soccer game on. GER vs NED....@andreGreipel @MarcelSieberg good luck. Sorry @koendekort

2012-06-14 04:02:41
Koen de Kort @koendekort

@gasolinebrother @Greghenderson1 very rarely seen that question used so appropriately!

2012-06-14 04:07:30
Koos Moerenhout @kmoerenhout

Vrees dat we niet eens mogen hopen. Duitsland gewoon veel beter #neddui

2012-06-14 04:32:30
Lars Boom @lars_boom

Best fijn kijken zo. Wat is de stand precies? Volgens mij niet zo heel goed toch? http://t.co/3PIggIHp

2012-06-14 04:57:21