Scale out innovation seminar

Ichikawa-san, thank you for tweeting in English☆
市川文子/Fumiko Ichikawa @furbiko

Two key factors for our team-based scale-out model: to appreciate each other and pursue professionalism. #project_maru

2012-08-27 19:59:18
市川文子/Fumiko Ichikawa @furbiko

Monthly reports are to be used: Members take turns to read through to select award-winning instructor. #project_maru

2012-08-27 20:02:04
吉岡マコ @maco1227 RT @furbiko: Monthly reports are to be used: Members take turns to read through to select award-winning…

2012-08-28 11:35:50
市川文子/Fumiko Ichikawa @furbiko

"Same salary but had more time and had future this way." Mako-san talks about how Madre Bonita started. #project_maru

2012-08-27 20:41:09
市川文子/Fumiko Ichikawa @furbiko

@shtrym question reveals that Madre's model has some similarity with ra-men industry #project_maru

2012-08-27 20:44:55
市川文子/Fumiko Ichikawa @furbiko

Ramen model: The more chefs get inspired w ramen restaurants, the original company's business succeed. #project_maru

2012-08-27 20:47:02
市川文子/Fumiko Ichikawa @furbiko

これかな?The Art of Leadership by George Manning & Kent Curtis:

2012-08-27 20:52:09
Hiroshi Tamura @tamdai99

Leadership is an ArtはMax De Preeの著作でした! #project_maru

2012-08-27 20:55:37
市川文子/Fumiko Ichikawa @furbiko

With active Q and sharp A ended today's seminar. #project_maru

2012-08-27 22:09:52