Amigo Theo との5カ国語tweets Mon amis, mon amour #loveNpurrs

ブラジル猫Theoさんとの仏語・英語・西語・葡語・和語の入り交じったおかしなおかしな会話。でもにゃんと無く通じてるぽっw in French, in English, in Spanish, in Portuguese, in Japanese.
Theodoro Jones @GatoTheo

@juliogenome Who appreciates every word and all the love am I! You are in my heart!!!

2010-07-19 17:34:53
Theodoro Jones @GatoTheo

@juliogenome Bésame, bésame mucho como si fuera esta la noche la última vez (Kiss me, kiss me a lot as if this night was the last time)

2010-07-19 17:33:52
juliogenome @juliogenome

@GatoTheo Merci beucoup! Merci mille! Muchos Obrigadas!! #loveNpurrs

2010-07-19 17:32:02
juliogenome @juliogenome

@GatoTheo Je connais que「Besame mucho」,cette chanson veut dire 「Kiss me more」. I sing a sweet tweet song on the twitter. #loveNpurrs!!!

2010-07-19 17:26:34
Theodoro Jones @GatoTheo

@juliogenome Muito obrigado! Merci merci!!! Bless for U and your family too!!! And lots of #loveNpurrs!!!

2010-07-19 17:23:37
juliogenome @juliogenome

@GatoTheo Ooh la la ! A vos souhaits pour Grand-mere & Bros BEN !! Bless for you & your family!!

2010-07-19 17:22:09
Theodoro Jones @GatoTheo

@juliogenome What a lovely song! Miaumeow!!! Thank U so much ma buddy!!! purrs purrs #loveNpurrs

2010-07-19 17:20:23
juliogenome @juliogenome

@GatoTheo Je chante `Béseme mucho' pour Theo en japonais. ♪ ベェサメェ〜 ベサメムチョ〜〜 ♪ #musique

2010-07-19 17:17:31
Theodoro Jones @GatoTheo

@juliogenome Estou bem. I am fine. Miaumeow! Mas preocupado com a saúde do mano Ben e da vovó. But worried with bro Ben & Grandma ´s health!

2010-07-19 17:14:59
Theodoro Jones @GatoTheo

@juliogenome Miss U so ma buddy!!! How are U?! Miaumeow!!!

2010-07-19 17:06:14
Theodoro Jones @GatoTheo

Good Morning buddies! Bom Dia amigos! Miaumeow!!! Hope U did enjoy the weekend. Wish U all an amazing week with lots of treats and love.

2010-07-19 16:56:52
Theodoro Jones @GatoTheo

Well... miaumeow... time to go to the bed and sleep with mammy, daddy, bro Ben, sis Cathy and all little angels! purrs purrs #loveNpurrs

2010-07-19 11:57:43