#イスラムフォビア #islamphobia とは?

00 @ooirvi

@aswindafri kan emang sudah dinubuahkan akan datang fitnah, smga yg nonton ga islamphobia aja tuh :D

2012-08-27 16:00:11

http://t.co/6rdS8WlG tCraig Thompson graphic novelist talks about Islamphobia in... http://t.co/tqUwrPO9

2012-08-27 12:08:31
I 'will @awilosman_

Homeland is da reality shit #IslamPhobia"@bluesforthehorn: Vampire diaries , Revenge and Homeland next seasons coming September #Excited"

2012-08-27 01:32:06

#EDL @nemesisrepublic and @tellmamaUK think theyre being clever reporting people for their subjective interpretation of #Islamphobia but all

2012-08-27 01:29:51