世界自殺予防デー(World Suicide Prevention Day)

9月10日世界自殺予防デー(World Suicide Prevention Day)の各国のマスコミのツイート(を探そうとして折れた記録)
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

Find out what the risk factors of #suicide are, as well as those actions which could prevent it

2012-09-10 18:46:18
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

As #suicide is largely preventable, it is imperative that govts invest human and financial resources in suicide prevention

2012-09-10 18:30:53
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

For World Suicide Prevention Day - 10 Sept, WHO is releasing a framework to address underlying causes of #suicide

2012-09-10 18:12:04
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

Young people are increasingly vulnerable to suicidal behaviour. #Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-19 year-olds

2012-09-10 17:15:22
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

#Suicide is largely preventable, yet is 1 of the 3 leading causes of deaths among the most economically productive age group, 15-44 yrs

2012-09-10 16:50:40
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

Every year, almost one million people die by #suicide around the world

2012-09-10 16:35:47
United Nations @UN

Monday is World Suicide Prevention Day -- #wspd -- more from @WHO:

2012-09-10 10:00:44
United Nations @UN

Every year almost 1 million people die from suicide -- more stats from @WHO on World Suicide Prevention Day: #WSPD

2012-09-11 04:01:12


NHK生活・防災 @nhk_seikatsu

【世界自殺予防デー 無料電話相談】WHOが定めた「世界自殺予防デー」に合わせて10日、専門のカウンセラーらが無料の電話相談を受け付け。電話番号が0120-583358で、今月12日まで、午前10時から午後10時まで。(14:01)

2012-09-10 14:01:20
NHK生活・防災 @nhk_seikatsu

【世界自殺予防デー 連携強化を】10日はWHOが定めた「世界自殺予防デー」です。 政府が先月、「自殺総合対策大綱」を定めたことを受けて、全国の自治体や民間団体が連携を強めて自殺対策に取り組もうという初の会議が開かれました。(16:27)

2012-09-10 16:27:21
FNNプライムオンライン @FNN_News

世界自殺予防デー フリーダイヤル電話相談などのPR活動 #FNN

2012-09-10 12:49:03


SBS 뉴스 @SBS8news

오늘은 '세계 자살 예방의 날'…'세계 자살 예방의 날'은 세계보건기구와 국제자살예방협회가 생명의 소중함과 자살의 심각성을 알리기 위해 제정한 날. 한국, OECD 국가 중 8년째 자살률 1위.

2012-09-10 09:56:51