
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Hells yeah! Finally get to make a video with @GeekNation tomorrow. I imagine we'll be tackling the tough questions facing America today...

2012-10-09 01:29:07
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Like my beard: shave it or save it?

2012-10-09 01:29:13
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

And I gotta share my favorite moment from Italy. (Involving a Roman, the Coliseum, and a blanket of stars) S'all I'm saying for now!

2012-10-09 01:32:22
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@paulheney That's what I was thinking. I don't like shaving. And I do like facial hair. So "save" is really the only logical conclusion.

2012-10-09 01:36:36
Mark Vigorito @gaygeekdad

@GoCheeksGo @paulheney Not usually a fan of facial hair, but yours is doing a good job!

2012-10-09 01:39:32
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@gaygeekdad @paulheney Thanks! My beard is very flattered, he trained quite extensively.

2012-10-09 01:43:27
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

But the video will mostly be answering Qs, from YOU, sent in via Twitter! No topic is off limits.*

2012-10-09 01:37:56
Victoria #BLM @NoSilverNoGold

@GoCheeksGo I like it, but if def makes you look older than without it

2012-10-09 01:37:17
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@NoSilverNoGold Good. I'm still young enough to look young even when looking older. When I AM older, it'll probably make me look too old. ;)

2012-10-09 01:39:43
wedschilde @wedschilde

@GoCheeksGo Heh, then yes, shorn that puppy. You did look pretty fricking hot with the close scruff. We'd all agreed: Gay men/straight fems

2012-10-09 01:43:55
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@wedschilde My facial hair is the topic of group conversation IRL? I don't know what to do with that information.

2012-10-09 01:49:31
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Use #TweetOut to send your Q ... and I'll show you my A. ;)

2012-10-09 01:41:36
Erik Stadnik @sjcAustenite

@GoCheeksGo Shave. Please. Not that is' not totes adorbs but...please.

2012-10-09 01:41:30
Stephen Green @greenerz514

@GoCheeksGo I say save it but give it a little trim. Looks good on ya ;)

2012-10-09 01:40:07
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@greenerz514 Yeah, trim's not a bad idea. Though I really want to see how long I can grow it. Full on trucker!

2012-10-09 01:42:36
Stephen Green @greenerz514

@GoCheeksGo Either way, I'm sure you will rock it out. Would love to grow one too but alas all attempts have failed #1DayIWillHitPuberty

2012-10-09 02:09:08