
MLBキャリア通算成績:出場1236試合 5056打席 1253安打 175本塁打 760打点 打率.282 OPS.819 オールスター選出2回 WS MVP 1回
前へ 1 ・・ 34 35 次へ
Jon Culwell @nyyboy

UPDATE 1-Baseball-'Godzilla' Matsui retires from baseball (Reuters): * Former Yankee ends 20-year career * Tribu... http://t.co/vgHmaL6R

2012-12-28 14:52:11
Fake Ichiro @FakeIchiro

おめでとう、幸せな退職、ゴジラ!I want a #WorldSeries ring like yours. #HidekiMatsui. #Godzilla http://t.co/vodvqQQL via @FoxSports

2012-12-28 14:55:19
Kota Nozawa 野澤甲太 @KotaN_bklyn

とりあえず最後に。 ウチにある松井秀喜のサインボール。 一番丁寧なやつと一番ザツな2つだけ残してますw #mlbjp #yankeesjp #Yankees #Matsui http://t.co/rMHdDzcH

2012-12-28 14:56:49
Jeff Capellini @JCapGLJ

Before I sign off for the night, I just wanted to thank Hideki Matsui for his service. An unsung NYY great and money ballplayer. #Yankees

2012-12-28 14:56:55
T. B. @thaaYankeesWin

Hideki Matsui, 'Godzilla' in two countries, calls it a career http://t.co/1Bct2kX6

2012-12-28 14:58:09
Richard A. Alexander, Esq. @ralexanderlaw

Hideki Matsui, 'Godzilla' in two countries, calls it a career: Godzilla was MVP of the 2009 World Series, a feat... http://t.co/GthGxcdD

2012-12-28 14:58:13
QT @Bacossey

Yankees Links: Hairston, Hughes, Wakamatsu: Hideki Matsui announced his retirement from baseball after ten year... http://t.co/JeQD5DLt

2012-12-28 14:59:38
unbiased @unbiased100

Former Yankees slugger, and 2009 World Series MVP, Hideki Matsui to retire - New York Daily News http://t.co/oZbV96eT

2012-12-28 15:00:24
ぺーさん @peisan516

Billy's Bar erupts as Matsui comes up big for Yankees in the World Serie...: http://t.co/1taTumfr @youtubeさんから

2012-12-28 15:06:05

Matsui was an immediate hit with the Yankees: Justice: Matsui's character shined through http://t.co/7nD2qUvc

2012-12-28 15:08:20
Jon Culwell @nyyboy

Matsui was an immediate hit with the Yankees: Justice: Matsui's character shined through http://t.co/aeOwqrkI

2012-12-28 15:13:17

Matsui was an immediate hit with the Yankees http://t.co/bwMXgqi3 #Yankees

2012-12-28 15:13:17
相沢スス @aizawasusu

松井、現役引退を表明「最高に幸せな日々だった」 http://t.co/z2rqPmeR : シーズン終盤の帳尻合わせなどで9年間メジャー在籍、どうやら年金の満額支給はない朴秀喜 #matsui #yankees #MLB #yakyu #baseball

2012-12-28 15:13:22
NY Yankee News @Yankees_News_NY

Godzilla hangs up his spikes: Hideki Matsui announced his retirement yesterday in a Midtown... http://t.co/0ZLxytT7 #yankees #baseball

2012-12-28 15:13:34
臭った桃。 @mou931

「Godzilla says goodbye: Matsui calls it a career」ヤンキースHPが粋「Matsui's final hit」 http://t.co/kCbEejof 

2012-12-28 15:23:34
Premier Sports Talk @PremSportsTalk

Sports News: Yankees Links: Hairston, Hughes, Wakamatsu - Hideki Matsui announced his retirement from baseball afte... http://t.co/eFz2x6Xn

2012-12-28 15:24:08
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