dhh about hybrid or not

DHH @dhh

Basecamp now has an official native iPhone app: http://t.co/8PPZRaHC. It's a lovely hybrid with Rails web views, RubyMotion wrapper.

2013-02-13 00:26:29
DHH @dhh

Funny how the Facebook "HTML5 was a big mistake" was all blamed on how slow their old hybrid app was. Basecamp iOS is a hybrid, super fast.

2013-02-13 00:47:14
DHH @dhh

Just goes to show easy a single instance of someone doing a shitty job on something can unfairly taint an entire approach or technology.

2013-02-13 00:47:43
DHH @dhh

People get infatuated with story lines, like "native is the only way to be fast", and run with it. Bollocks. Same nonsense in JS land.

2013-02-13 00:48:55
DHH @dhh

Once that story line has taken hold, the blinders are in place, and everything that doesn't fit the narrative is rejected. Insight DENIED.

2013-02-13 00:49:38