
2010年8月28日、英国では夏の終わりでレディング・フェスとかリーズ・フェスとかノッティング・ヒル・カーニヴァルとかで盛り上がっている一方で、反イスラム教の排外主義団体、The English Defence League (EDL) が、ムスリム人口の多いブラッドフォードに乗り込んで大規模デモ。事実上これのカウンターで、Unite Against Fascism (UAF) のデモ。(UAFは「カウンターデモとは違う」と述べているが、EDLに対する姿勢を示すためにオーガナイズされた集まりであり、事実上「カウンターデモ」。) 続きを読む
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EDL member is disillusioned with EDL. Another EDL member "it wasn't us it was UAF" blah blah blah http://twitpic.com/2jd038

2010-08-29 22:49:17

EDL members boast of bad behaviour on mini buses http://twitpic.com/2jd443

2010-08-29 23:02:00

EDL - my favourite screenie and big up that coach driver for speaking the truth http://twitpic.com/2jd4lz

2010-08-29 23:03:30

EDL never accepts responsibility for their own actions. Everyone else is to blame. Wake up you thugs it's the EDL http://twitpic.com/2jd65r

2010-08-29 23:08:19

@DuncanBarkes Group on facebook against EDL. Look at screenshots please http://bit.ly/bHu2Ar

2010-08-30 00:03:00

EDL pig gets knocked out by single punch yesterday in Bradford, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKJAB6IDNlI RETWEET!!!

2010-08-29 23:01:17

Well done to the Arsenal fan who lamped the chicken shit EDL weasel on the Leeds train http://bit.ly/c8M2cq

2010-08-30 01:32:17

just seen a few members of the EDL had to run for about a mile, then I managed to catch them and tell them they were racist d*ckheads

2010-08-30 03:12:50
Kyle Robinson-Payne @Kyle_Robinson22

@Jamie1210 alot of mixup because alot of EDL marchers are usually BNP orientated.

2010-08-29 22:14:52
Asa Winstanley @AsaWinstanley

#EDL "say they are protesting against Muslim extremists, but truth is they are protesting at their own rotten lives" http://bit.ly/bddbzK

2010-08-29 21:30:28

If the EDL are really proud of their 'political' beliefs why are they all pictured on the news with their faces covered? Pricks. #EDL #twats

2010-08-29 22:25:43

Please RT EDL extremely racist member Arthur Disbury rants - racist bile spews from his mouth http://bit.ly/957zwS

2010-08-30 00:21:29
Drew @sameoldbrandnew

EDL what a bunch of badly dressed hairless, jobless chavs!

2010-08-29 20:34:39
DaveyCooks @DaveyBoiby

Just went to the shop dressed (accidentally) like a member of the EDL! Its the skinhead wot done it! Must grow some hair...

2010-08-29 21:11:42
Brian Whelan @brianwhelanhack

EDL getting exactly what they asked for - http://j.mp/9S3SBT - what a punch!

2010-08-29 22:23:49
James lambert @Jamesjlambert

People of Bradford 1 - 0 EDL. If you can't organise a fascist hate-riot in a racial hotspot on a summer bank holiday you may as well give up

2010-08-29 20:28:57
linkshund @linkshund

View from the States. This is EXACTLY what happened in #Bradford yesterday with the #uaf and #edl. http://tinyurl.com/2u34fam Exactly.

2010-08-29 22:57:12

EDL admin continue to allow racist posts to be made on EDL facebook page. EDL you are a disgrace http://twitpic.com/2jev6x

2010-08-30 02:09:50

Final YouTube vid from CSupt Rose at a Bfd multi-faith blessing today, Sun. http://bit.ly/cIiHKJ #edl #police #uaf #bfd

2010-08-29 22:40:30
Alex Snowdon @ASnowdon_NE

Good report of yesterday: Countering the #EDL in Bradford | Counterfire http://bit.ly/cOysvk #uaf

2010-08-30 00:29:30
Individual-1 @randomvariable

Reading: EDL fascists beaten back in Bradford: The Hope Not Hate blog has a summary: It was frustrating because 80... http://bit.ly/cG2wE9

2010-08-30 02:46:56
Karen Houghton @smashingkaren

Yesterday I was scared, angered by EDL fascists, cheered by lovely friends, today I'm reflective, and proud of Bradford

2010-08-30 05:43:21
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