Personal Digital Archiving 2013 #pda2013

Personal Digital Archiving 2013 Dates: February 21st and 22nd, 2013 Location: University of Maryland, College Park 続きを読む
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{ "jason": "clark" } @jaclark

Day 2 of Personal Digital Archiving getting started. #pda2013 is worth watching today if you can. Schedule:

2013-02-22 23:00:42
Activist Archivists @actarc

ActArc is sad to miss the Personal Digital Archiving conference, but will be following the #pda2013 tweets with bells on.

2013-02-22 23:05:51
Ondatra iSchoolicus @LibSkrat

We are winning ALL THE NERD POINTS at #pda2013 this morning. :)

2013-02-22 23:06:16
Jeremy Heil @thearchivist13

This morning - MIDI master George Sanger (The Fat Man), who apparently owns two nudie suits #pda2013 #goodmorning

2013-02-22 23:06:52
Bill LeFurgy @blefurgy

MT @nullhandle @machawk1 debuts WAIL: portable bundled Heritrix, Wayback for personal digital #webarchiving #pda2013

2013-02-22 23:07:31
Bill LeFurgy @blefurgy

MT @machawk1: #MissedPDA ?, Here's Jenny Shaw's presentation, "Hardware and soft skills..." #pda2013

2013-02-22 23:08:28
Bill LeFurgy @blefurgy

MT @thearchivist13: This morning - MIDI master George Sanger (The Fat Man), who apparently owns two nudie suits #pda2013 #goodmorning

2013-02-22 23:09:30
Leslie Johnston @lljohnston

All keynotes should include a section of crackpot philosophy, like George Sanger wants to. #pda2013

2013-02-22 23:09:35
Bill LeFurgy @blefurgy

Sanger pokes archivists about philosophy of letting go of "stuff" rather than keeping/archiving #pda2013

2013-02-22 23:12:06
ndiipp @ndiipp

We'll be tweeting from Personal Digital Archiving 2013 today! Follow along with us at #pda2013

2013-02-22 23:12:19
Lauren G @laurenbgood

Briscoe Center at UT Austin is rocking this conference #pda2013

2013-02-22 23:14:20
Ondatra iSchoolicus @LibSkrat

"Bring it on! We're gonna CATALOG THIS." #pda2013

2013-02-22 23:14:26
Jeremy Heil @thearchivist13

Sanger-archiving is quixotic - can't keep track of everyone - wise men has been saying "let go" for yrs, yet we do the opposite #pda2013

2013-02-22 23:15:39
Matthew Kirschenbaum @mkirschenbaum

No, you can't "archive" everything, but in truth archivists are the last ones who need to be so reminded. #pda2013

2013-02-22 23:15:48
Nicholas Taylor @nullhandle

slides for my #pda2013 demo on research prospects for more manageable personal digital photo collections:

2013-02-22 23:15:51
Bill LeFurgy @blefurgy

Sanger talks about meeting UT archivists who "bravely" wanted his stuff; archivists are on an artistic mission #pda2013

2013-02-22 23:16:09
Leslie Johnston @lljohnston

"An archivist is like a documentary maker" George Sanger #pda2013

2013-02-22 23:17:04
Jen Howard @JenHoward

Following the tweets this morning out of #pda2013, the Personal Digital Archiving conference at @UMD_MITH.

2013-02-22 23:17:33
Lauren G @laurenbgood

Archivist as documentary filmmaker. Collaborator with creator. And this from a non-archivist. #pda2013

2013-02-22 23:17:38
John Mark Ockerbloom can be found elsewhere @JMarkOckerbloom

@mkirschenbaum Which is why spreading out archival capacity so important. We collectively can archive much more than any "you". #pda2013

2013-02-22 23:18:38
Abbie Grotke @agrotke

Everyone should have an archive - George Sanger #pda2013

2013-02-22 23:20:23
Lauren G @laurenbgood

Ha! The Fat Man's brother plays with Asleep at the Wheel #PDA2013

2013-02-22 23:20:56
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