Terry Jonesの野望

ふとTwitterの画面を見たらTerry Jonesがトレンディング・トピック入りしていました。まさか…と思ってクリックしたところ…… Nobody expects, er, er ... ……というわけで、あのテリー・ジョーンズさんではなかったのですが、その話もtwitter上にはたくさんありまして、それらをまとめておきつつ、今回話題のテリー・ジョーンズさんについてもまとめてみました。 プロフィールは米ABCの記事が読みやすくわかりやすかったです。 続きを読む
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Heather @Hoot71

For the sake of the US, I hope that the Taliban can see past the hatred of Terry Jones and understand there ARE Americans who disagree w/him

2010-09-08 21:41:19
John Underdown @jrunderdown

after burning the Koran this week,Terry Jones will then lead his congregation on a crusade to take back Jerusalem...

2010-09-08 23:11:54
Partridge Thornton @PartridgeToffee

Would Pastor Terry Jones be so quick to burn religious books if he deemed his country to be under threat from Jewish fundamentalists?

2010-09-08 23:52:37

@SalmaBieber yeah :))) but Quran is a TT cause some bitch called terry jones is gonna burn it :((((

2010-09-08 23:26:09

This terry Jones pastor guy needs to sit his Ass down...y is he fuckin wit the Islam religion he boutta start a world war on 9/11

2010-09-08 21:04:10
Buzz Adams MoSho @BuzzAdamsShow

Wassup, MoShos?! We'll talk about Terry Jones, the crazy Fla. preacher who's ready to burn Korans. Also, Dialing for Dingbats & Jim Paul

2010-09-08 21:22:25
N Ø Ï @elvinanoii

The fucking crazy pastor's name is terry jones, I don't even want to write his name with capitals.

2010-09-08 20:30:54

i know we are all angry about "burn a koran day", but remember, terry jones WILL face his creator and be called to account for his actions.

2010-09-08 18:56:39
Maisarah @maiafndi

Everybody hates Terry Jones. I just hate his actions. He'll get what he deserves from the Almighty on Judgement Day.

2010-09-08 21:48:48
David Taylor @OmemeeOzzie

What does Rev. Terry Jones really want? Listening and watching interviews I find it hard to believe this man is nothing more than ignorant.

2010-09-08 23:55:31
Dave Gibson @davecgibson

I wonder if it's occurred to anyone that this Terry Jones guy who wants to burn the Koran is just in it to sell his stuff...

2010-09-08 21:43:52
TobyVEnT @tobyvent

Agreed! The media is giving him too much air time too. RT @DrePinckney: Pastor Terry Jones is out of his effin' (cont) http://tl.gd/3hov1d

2010-09-08 21:53:33
Miss Adele McFly🇺🇸 @PennyDreadful81

The only reason Terry Jones is doing this "protest" is to shill his lousy book. @cspanwj

2010-09-08 20:33:05
Kara Lindstrom she/her @karaml

My hope is when Terry Jones burns the Qurans, he is not watched, publicized or attacked. Do not feed his fire #lovethyneighbor #media

2010-09-08 23:59:49
Billy Gage @THEMidasWelby

Preacher Terry Jones says his own fame is more important than goodwill to his fellow man. What would Jesus think? Traitor, that's what.

2010-09-08 21:10:13
Avery @IdFollowMe

Terry Jones is an embarrassment to our nation. Enjoy your few moments of fame because you like us still have to face God when all ends.

2010-09-08 21:36:09
U don't know me @psychostripper

This "pastor' Terry Jones is an ignorant fame whore if any US troops or innocent people die bc of his hate he should he held accountable

2010-09-08 21:08:02
Robert Hartzell @RobertHartzell

Terry Jones, Pastor Who Wants To Burn Korans, Isn't Doing Christians Any Favors: Pastor Jones, think of someone el... http://bit.ly/aPoQmY

2010-09-08 22:37:20
Shafier @shafierare

So everybody now care on Terry Jones who will burn Quran? I personally think, quran itself has it own guardian.

2010-09-08 22:25:06
Kid @keedayn

Seriously Terry Jones, what did we (MUSLIMS) do to you? Is this some kind of punishment to us for the 9/11 thingy?

2010-09-08 22:23:24
Dollaville Music Group @CamDollaz270

Nobody wit a brain! #smh RT @RenaeCBR How many of you support Terry Jones? the dude who plan to burn the Qur'an Saturday

2010-09-08 22:23:56
Jack Wickham @jawickham

Let's just burn Terry Jones instead. What happened to Mark 12:31? How an even a small % of the country support this?

2010-09-08 22:04:40
Keith @Keeefyboy

Terry Jones is an example of dumb Americans. he doesn't think of the consequences of buring the Qur'an.

2010-09-08 22:23:52
scott @parum_sermo

-ONLY in AMERICA--"Pastor Terry Jones" and his 50 person congregation 'hold up' a Nation as a Fools Paradise- Please Wake Up Folks!

2010-09-08 22:24:32
Ryan L. Schrodt 🌈 @schrodt_writes

It's scary enough that we live in a world where people like Terry Jones exist, but even scarier that there are people who think he's right.

2010-09-08 22:39:17
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