Health Damage from Radiation in #Fukushima

shikkasan @shikkasan

Recuperation; Effective for healing cells damaged by radiation & recovery of immunity.

2013-04-21 20:28:01
shikkasan @shikkasan

Civilians run recuperation facilities. Recuperation programs Okinawa Kuminosato;

2013-04-21 20:27:08
shikkasan @shikkasan

Children of #Fukushima are still living in contaminated areas. There are 300,000 people 14 yrs ↓. No effective measure's been taken by Gov.

2013-04-21 20:26:54
shikkasan @shikkasan

ENE News. ABC San Diego: Alarming report of Fukushima fallout harmingU.S. infants (VIDEO)

2013-04-14 20:54:30
shikkasan @shikkasan

Thyroid cancer,10 of 186 diagnosed malignant 3 got operated, by Fukushima Uni. 50 times high

2013-04-17 12:31:25
shikkasan @shikkasan

⑫ "In Soma city, children have got acute leukemia. A man in 30's died.Last year five people died of acute leukemia

2013-04-17 12:12:05
shikkasan @shikkasan

⑪ Radioactive material is carried in the body by blood and lymph producing radiation to cause all types of disease

2013-04-17 12:10:57
shikkasan @shikkasan

⑩By Dr.Yury Bandazhevsky Cesium is accumulated in any organ and the accumulated amount is correlated with

2013-04-17 12:09:43
shikkasan @shikkasan

⑨These disease can not be correlated with the radiation officially.

2013-04-17 12:04:41
shikkasan @shikkasan

⑧ Many reports of sudden death, cerebrovascular disease, heart disease, fetal death, miscarriage, and fracture, frequent infections.

2013-04-17 12:04:17
shikkasan @shikkasan

⑦After 3.11 various symptoms were seen like nosebleeding, diarrhea, stomatitis, hair loss, cough, and fatigue in Tohoku & Kanto

2013-04-17 12:03:26
shikkasan @shikkasan

⑥They are trying to hide radiation exposure in Fukushima as well.

2013-04-17 12:02:56
shikkasan @shikkasan

⑤who lead the investigation in Chernobyl and made the false report in cooperation with IAEA. Yamashita also studied in Chernobyl.

2013-04-17 12:02:25
shikkasan @shikkasan

④IAEA, WHO concealed exposure in Chernobyl and many died . Dr S. Yamashita of Fukushima Med Uni. is a pupil of a pupil of Dr. Shigematsu.

2013-04-17 12:01:40
shikkasan @shikkasan

③Fukushima residents are not free to receive medical inspection under the instructions from Medical Uni. Fukushima.  

2013-04-17 12:01:13
shikkasan @shikkasan

②High rate compared to the incidence of nodules,0.5%. Two of them developed thyroid cancer.(24) 

2013-04-17 12:00:41
shikkasan @shikkasan

Radiation Health Damage in #Fukushima ①Abnormal thyroid nodules & cysts of Fukushima children 43.7%, girls 54%(H24), 35%(H23).

2013-04-17 12:00:01