
ryugo hayano @hayano

911の日,僕はジュネーブに住んでいた.大家さんが"Ryu, America is under attack"と言って駆け込んできて,TVをつけたら,WTCが炎上.状況がつかめないまま,デンマークに出張の途に.旅の途中でドイツの米軍放送を聞いて,ようやく事態を把握,

2010-09-11 00:08:55
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

another 9/11 comes, still remember that day. perhaps changed my perspective. anger, confusion, and dividing, but hope for the future as well

2010-09-11 07:47:15
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

beautiful morning, just like 9 years ago. I am whistling the Rascals's song, just like 9 years ago. trying to avoid go down to that site..

2010-09-11 19:16:42
🐱野尻美保子(1) @Mihoko_Nojiri

@kikumaco そうだね、もうすぐ乗っ取られた時間になる。

2010-09-11 20:49:32
🐱野尻美保子(1) @Mihoko_Nojiri


2010-09-11 20:50:33
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

felt my parents' pain, not explaining well about the war, as I can not explain well how I felt when witnessing that event unveiled live..

2010-09-11 21:38:15
skmtcommmons @skmt09


2010-09-11 22:04:03
skmtcommmons @skmt09


2010-09-11 22:07:37
あ〜る菊池誠(反緊縮)公式 @kikumaco


2010-09-11 22:23:33
Barack Obama @BarackObama

Delivering remarks at the Pentagon Memorial on this anniversary of the September 11 attacks. Watch live at 9:30am ET. http://wh.gov/live

2010-09-11 22:25:11
あ〜る菊池誠(反緊縮)公式 @kikumaco

@sendaitribune 僕の9.11関係のつぶやきは @kikumaco_x というアカウントのほう (たいしたことはつぶやいていません)

2010-09-11 22:26:03
Shigeo Hayashi @roadman2005


2010-09-11 22:27:14
Shigeo Hayashi @roadman2005


2010-09-11 22:27:48
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

@sendaitribune: I have been doing that...The Rascals song, called it's beautiful morning was on the radio when the first one hit...

2010-09-11 22:28:53
あ〜る菊池誠(反緊縮)公式 @kikumaco


2010-09-11 22:29:10
Shigeo Hayashi @roadman2005

で、アメリカ人がイラク・アフガン戦争をどうとらえているのか、気になってSFのブックスストアで購入したのがこの本。"Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman"http://amzn.to/9cSlbz (3)

2010-09-11 22:29:23
あ〜る菊池誠(反緊縮)公式 @kikumaco

@merita_goodboy 僕もテレビで見ていました。あの青空、現実感のなさ。

2010-09-11 22:30:20
Shigeo Hayashi @roadman2005

作者はアウトドアのノンフィクションで好著を著しているJon Krakauer。しかし今回は硬派な戦争ドキュメントだった。(4)

2010-09-11 22:30:56
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

then, radio switched to the news from the site, a guy was interviewing somebody, then, second one hit..and we realized wasn't accident...

2010-09-11 22:33:56
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

we are confused and scared, 9 years ago, not much cellular phone, only radio was the source of the info in the lab.we had no idea what to do

2010-09-11 22:34:59
🐱野尻美保子(1) @Mihoko_Nojiri

@sendaitribune まあ、午後5時前くらいから on off で思い出してます。 でも、こういう時は静かにすごしたいですね。facebook も昨日は 9. 11 に関する書き込みが多かったけど、今日は静かです。

2010-09-11 22:36:27
あ〜る菊池誠(反緊縮)公式 @kikumaco


2010-09-11 22:36:32
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

the only thing we could see from uptown was smoke. and towers collapsed, never thought that would happen, with 300 rescuers..I broke down..

2010-09-11 22:36:35
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