
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

no bus, no subway, I had to cross central park by walk..no commercial cars into the city. no food in the supermarket. no TV either in NYC.

2010-09-11 22:38:29
🐱野尻美保子(1) @Mihoko_Nojiri

@kikumaco 10機以上行方不明とか最初はいっていて、これはもうちょっとだめだなぁ、と思った。

2010-09-11 22:38:31
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

which was good for us as I am not sure how we would do when we saw that image that I saw later. radio and news paper were only source..

2010-09-11 22:39:46
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

Even political radio show stop arguing, trying to comfort each other, forget about issues, just we hug and comfort each other,

2010-09-11 22:41:16
林 譲治 @J_kaliy

@kikumaco 陰謀論者というのは、言葉とは裏腹に、政府の能力と言うものに信仰に近い信頼を持っているのではないだろうか。政府だからこんな陰謀が可能であると言うように。

2010-09-11 22:41:30
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

Unbelievably unpopular Juliani became hero for us...believe or not...every day, he did news conference, update issues and tell us what to do

2010-09-11 22:42:44
あ〜る菊池誠(反緊縮)公式 @kikumaco

@J_kaliy 陰謀論者の言うとおりなら、政府は巨大な陰謀を実行できるだけの統率力を持ち、そして、易々と秘密がばれる程度の間抜けです

2010-09-11 22:43:47
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

then, 2-3 days later, this event was compared to Pearl Harbor, "a sneak attack by Japanese", which made me and my friend in Pitts angry

2010-09-11 22:44:17
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

I am not sure how Japanese people look at that in Japan at that time, but it was really scary in terms of Patriotism taking crazy turn..

2010-09-11 22:45:24
黒猫游 @michael_angela

@kikumaco あの日は帰宅したらテレビでニュースをやっていたけど、何か映画のワンシーンのようで現実味がなくて・・・ RT @kikumaco: 9.11は空の青さがこわかった

2010-09-11 22:48:17
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

Anyway, have you heard reporter describing people jumping from the building and building collapse with huge black smoke live on the radio?

2010-09-11 22:51:27
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

Hope I would not have that again, never in my life.

2010-09-11 22:52:22
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

next day, was on the subway, nobody is talking, just sitting there quietly. homeless came, nobody paid attention. he asked for money or food

2010-09-11 22:54:07
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

then, he said, "everybody had a tough time yesterday, but sun will come out every morning, have a nice day"... somehow that made me smile..

2010-09-11 22:55:17
あ〜る菊池誠(反緊縮)公式 @kikumaco

@kakansaku テロリスト側にも、ビル全体が崩壊するという予想も期待もなかったのでしょう。

2010-09-11 22:56:16
🐱野尻美保子(1) @Mihoko_Nojiri

素粒子理論出身で金融界に行く人というのはあの当時でも多くて、 WTC には3人関係者がいて一人はMadison でPD していた時の学生で、イスラム圏出身の子だった。

2010-09-11 22:58:00
🐱野尻美保子(1) @Mihoko_Nojiri


2010-09-11 22:58:55
skmtcommmons @skmt09


2010-09-11 22:59:59
minami hara @chichi41

RIP for those who lost their lives on 911. it may not be easy but i really hope ppl see things clearly RT @kikumaco 9.11は空の青さがこわかった

2010-09-11 23:06:35
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

I had mouse colony in NYUMC, so I went there every morning, there was a message board people looking for people, I could not look at it..

2010-09-11 23:08:00
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

we wanted to help something, anything, but all we could do was donate blood..but they needed was heavy equipment for recovery efforts..

2010-09-11 23:11:09
Naotaka Fujii @NaotakaFujii


2010-09-11 23:11:46
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

not much rescue efforts..we lost more than 2700 people there. If I donot need, I would rather stay away from that area. Sightseeing? no way.

2010-09-11 23:12:55
🐱野尻美保子(1) @Mihoko_Nojiri

YouTube のあの日のニュースをみたけど悲しすぎるので、こっちを David Letterman September 17 2001 http://bit.ly/a1FJqk

2010-09-11 23:13:08
Takeshi Sakurai @sakurt01

My friend's son was a student in a high school that area. He escaped that day. a few weeks later, they said area was clean, so he went back

2010-09-11 23:21:48