
「Twitterがあるから、ネットでネコ動画を見て5時間も過ごすことはなくなった」 「Twitterのおかげで、世界中に友達ができた」 「Twitterのせいで授業に集中できなくて単位落としそうですが何か」 「気持ちを吐き出したい時はTwitterがあるから、人と話さなくなった」 「MySpaceやFBを使わなくなった」 続きを読む
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#BecauseOfTwitter The "#" sign is used more on here than it ever was on the phone.

2010-09-22 09:30:24

#becauseoftwitter facebook have lost some pages ... Not mines... Add me

2010-09-22 09:22:33
Everything is everything. @Ms_April_U

#becauseoftwitter I am not goin thru FB withdraw as bad...I miss FB though :(

2010-09-22 09:30:33

#becauseoftwitter I actually use Facebook! I find great friends via Twitter and connect deeper with Facbeook.

2010-09-22 09:30:05

@BombassKAITLIN: #Becauseoftwitter I hardly never go on Facebook anymore .” < I said fuck it and deleted it #CauseImGangsta

2010-09-22 09:22:56
Jessica S. @Juswachme

Me too pretty much. RT @Belle_Fleure: #becauseoftwitter I have abandoned Facebook

2010-09-22 09:23:07

#BecauseOfTwitter I don't fuck with my myspace or facebook.

2010-09-22 09:23:45
Ash @Ash_Bash23

RT @ClevelandHumor: #becauseoftwitter Myspace died. Suffered from a horrible death. No one logged in for the funeral.

2010-09-22 09:23:27

#BecauseOfTwitter I only look for new phones that have Twitter apps on them

2010-09-22 09:32:29
Aye, you wild fr @ataleofkarma

#becauseoftwitter i dont have to act like i'm not online if somebody chats me

2010-09-22 09:23:02

#becauseoftwitter people have mistaken tweets for texts. text them and have a conversation. #sityourassdown

2010-09-22 09:32:40
Andrea @GladTobe_Andrea

#BecauseOfTwitter .. I get to chat with people who tell it like it is then lie in my face wierd huh lmao

2010-09-22 09:23:04
Casting Gurl Wonder @HelloMocha

#BecauseOfTwitter I constantly have to block ppl who Tweet me random links, send me inappropriate Tweets, annoy me or act like Stans! #OkBye

2010-09-22 09:23:26
Unknown @Rockcrest1874

#becauseoftwitter I get lost on my way home on purpose because I think somebody is following me

2010-09-22 09:23:43
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