Tyler Clementiはハドソン川に身を投げた。彼は18歳で、ネットでさらし者にされていた。

米国の映画などで、大学の寮でルームメイトに「今晩人が来るから、12時まで外にいてくれない?」という頼みごとをするシーンがあったりします。そういう場合「おぬしも片隅に置けぬ・・・」的なリアクションがあったり、後日楽しい話題として語り合ったり、あるいはルームメイトと親しくない場合は淡々とスルーするなりするでしょう。 しかし米ラトガーズ大の1年生、タイラー・クレメンティさん(18歳)は、その後ジョージ・ワシントン橋からハドソン川に飛び込み、自ら命を絶ちました。ルームメイトが部屋に設置していたウェブカムでタイラーさんが恋人と過ごす様子を撮影し、ネットに流していたのです。 この悲しい事件についての米国での報道や分析・解説のURLを含むtweetsと、著名人・一般人の反応のtweetsを少し集めておきました。 続きを読む
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Kat Childress @katchildress1

In response to Tyler Clementi's death: my spare change worth of opinions of tolerance at http://bit.ly/cvboo2.

2010-10-01 10:41:46
ابتسام ثروت @JenkinsRChris

Eddie Long, Tyler Clementi: Wake up Christians, homosexuals are killing themselves, do you care? http://t.co/GczR0t2

2010-10-01 10:43:59
Jonathan Koh @jonathankoh79

Tyler Clementi is another reason why Christians should think before speaking out against gays. We are called to love, not hate.

2010-10-01 11:12:54
Ari @AriJas

Angered over the homophobic outing and suicide of Tyler Clementi at Rutgers University. You think people would have some sense at that age.

2010-10-01 11:33:42
M 🇳🇬 @m__michelley

#RIP Tyler Clementi No One should EVER be made to feel shame bc of their sexual choice.

2010-10-01 10:42:50

"I don't even think the issue should be about sexuality. It's about being decent towards one another." -@SuzannaCaldwell RIP Tyler Clementi

2010-10-01 10:48:04
Antonette Ritchie @Shelli9357

commits suicide after secret broadcast of sex encounter • Tyler Clementi left Facebook status 'Jumping off g... http://tinyurl.com/2fd6d4c

2010-10-01 11:23:35

RT @Matt_Cavenaugh: The Tyler Clementi suicide, the homophobia, the invasion of privacy, the final outcome is horrifying & tragic. Aren't we better than this?

2010-10-01 11:10:57
quin @megham

this tyler clementi story breaks my heart. we all deserve equality and privacy. hate only makes YOU ugly.

2010-10-01 10:25:33
Jalissa Cruz @Yelissaaa

Disappointed and upset. RIP Tyler Clementi. A guy likes a guy... get over it #50cent. Condemn the gays but not murderers or pedophiles? stfu

2010-10-01 15:07:49

RIP Tyler Clementi. This is 2 tragic. Change the message, vote this november. erase h8

2010-10-01 10:30:48
Julia Shedlin @jshedlin

RIP Tyler Clementi this situation makes me sick and makes me feel helpless. What can we do to stop bullying? I'll do anything

2010-10-01 10:30:07
(((mmmexperimental))❌💙💙💙 🖖👍💖🧡💞She/Her @mmmexperimental

Feeling kinda depressed about Tyler Clementi. so sad no one to stop this sad sad thing. My heart goes out to those who loved him!

2010-10-01 10:21:02

RT @johnca2dc: My heart is so heavy for the #Rutgers student #Tyler Clementi who committed suicide.This young man had so much to contribute.It has to stop.

2010-10-01 10:41:51
Jennifer L. Pozner @jennpozner

Insidious cultural fear&loathing. Disgustingly common. RT @CathyRenna why did Tyler Clementi die? http://bit.ly/9CrHOL #LGBT

2010-10-01 10:42:47
Dr. Tara Betts @tarabetts

#dear @mobrowne, my students & I talked about Tyler Clementi today. Respecting people's privacy & love. Consequences of the internet and+

2010-10-01 10:59:18
Kenn Chaplin @KennChaplin

Perhaps my most difficult topic yet (for Tyler Clementi): http://wp.me/p2yCJ-Z1

2010-10-01 10:45:07
Mell Harnington @WestHorse

Don't Be Like The Jerks Who Drove 18-Year-Old Tyler Clementi To Commit Suicide: You may have already heard the t... http://bit.ly/9Aaqfl

2010-10-01 16:39:43
pops @pops131

Tyler Clementi Suicide Result of Hate Crime? http://t.co/ePALJpY

2010-10-01 10:47:02
Kevin Owens @knaught

Tyler Clementi's death a hate crime? Not if he wasn't gay. And that's not equal protection under the law. http://nyti.ms/b3Cnlz #glbt #tcot

2010-10-01 11:13:35
Brian Ekdale @bekdale

interesting take on reserving judgment in Tyler Clementi case. homophobio not excused but maybe other factors involved. http://bit.ly/blGqF0

2010-10-01 11:38:07

Tyler Clementi's privacy should have not been invaded, but it's clear there were underlying psychological issues.

2010-10-01 13:57:01
Laura Roberts @LauraRoberts1

@politicsunlock yes! The Tyler Clementi incident IS a hate crime and this type of behavior can not be tolerated or forgotten anymore!!!

2010-10-01 13:33:09
ChAoS®️ @NYgrooveX

Rutgers suicide-Tyler Clementi memorial page on Facebook attracts gay-bashers and homophobes -http://exm.nr/9K8NEu

2010-10-01 11:14:37
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