
#sgphx list
Alan Dayley @adayley@mastodon.world @DayleyAgile

Building community outside of software: Go to other industry groups to grow them instead of expecting them to come to us. #sgphx

2010-09-27 05:32:52
Alex Stockinger @alexstockinger

RT @tobiasmayer: love this: OH #sgphx @ourfounder Personal Kanban popular with lawyers as they've made their own work so complex they no longer understand it

2010-09-27 05:35:45
Maria Matarelli @MariaMatarelli

Great discussion on Building Communities to Expand Scrum Beyond Software at #sgphx

2010-09-27 05:51:03
cgosimon @cgosimon

#sgphx Chandler Octoberfest. Not for gun toting pregnant women. http://yfrog.com/4yequmj

2010-09-27 06:00:24

#sgphx To build community outside IT, scrum ambassadors need 1-amplification, 2-share retrospectives from each attempt, 3-legitimacy from SA

2010-09-27 06:01:57
Jeff Lopez-Stuit @jefflopezstuit

Fears that Agile & Scrum can make visible - fear of failure, change, disempowerment, loss of otherness #sgphx

2010-09-27 06:11:18

Vision w/o action is a daydream, action w/o vision is a nightmare, vision w/ action can change the world. @gerrykirk/s T-shirt at #sgphx

2010-09-27 06:22:32

@tobiasmayer #sgphx 3: "lower the barrier of entry 4 scrum ambassadors 2 other domains by investing thm w/ legitimacy eg from SA" #140limit

2010-09-27 06:28:40
David Sheriff @dvdshf

My newfound positivity has yet to resolve the factual basis of my former negativity. Which part of me is in denial? #sgphx

2010-09-27 06:28:43

@dvdshf Whichever part you do NOT engage as regular practice in life - "as you think, so shall it be" and "practice makes permanent" #sgphx

2010-09-27 06:31:16
Harold Shinsato @hajush

#sgphx - Scrum Beyond Software closing circle called - 2 days of learning and great conversations coming to an end.

2010-09-27 06:32:52
Maria Matarelli @MariaMatarelli

RT @DayleyAgile: Building community outside of software: Go to other industry groups to grow them instead of expecting them to come to us. #sgphx

2010-09-27 06:40:46
~ @mvizdos

@DayleyAgile In addition to outside SW, think of other places in the world to expand Scrum. #sgphx Sounds like a success there!

2010-09-27 06:45:51
Jim Benson @ourfounder

Destroy boring and pointless management practices. #sgphx

2010-09-27 06:48:42
~ @mvizdos

OK #sgphx peeps... You are almost "Done" there. It is just a new beginning. What next? Keep the positive stuff moving forward!

2010-09-27 06:50:32
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