終わりゆく「ゆりかごから墓場まで」~英、児童手当 child benefit に所得制限

2010年10月4日、バーミンガムで開催されている保守党の党大会において、ジョージ・オズボーン財務大臣から児童手当ての一部カットの方針が示されました。 以下は、それに対する反応のtweetsです(ニュース記事のフィードを含む)。BBCの地方局のラジオなどの「ご意見募集」のtweetもあります。 英国では、「万人共通 universal」の思想・原則に基づいて、親の所得が多かろうと少なかろうと、子供一人当たりいくらというようにお金が支給されてきましたが、2013年からは親の収入に上限を設けようというのが今回のプランです。ただしその収入上限が、「世帯収入」ではなく「個人の収入」になっているので、年収が£45kの夫と専業主婦で収入のない妻には児童手当ゼロ、夫婦とも年収が£43kの場合はこれまで通り支給、ということになり、その点でのツッコミがかなり入っています。 続きを読む
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Rothers @SoniaRothwell

Writing a @FactCheck on the impact of the loss of Child Benefit for high earners

2010-10-04 20:26:31

Dept. of Health rang me to make sure I have the right angle on a piece about the possibility of child benefit cuts

2010-10-04 20:26:37
Ad Lib @adlibdibdib

Freedom Patrol -http://t.co/1xea4Ep - Child Benefit made Progressive under Coalition Shock!

2010-10-04 20:26:37
Kev has the world in motion And I know what w @kevfrost

I must be middle-class: first instinct to child benefit is to ensure that we don't lose our 150 pound a month, despite agreeing with it.

2010-10-04 20:26:48
David Rouse @huntsurf

This loss of child benefit is a disgrace; 1 parent earning 45k will lose it but a family with 2 parents earning 40k each will keep it.

2010-10-04 20:27:07

What the Child Benefit cut means for you http://fwd4.me/hLU

2010-10-04 20:27:17
AngryBritain.com @AngryBritain

'Give us another term and we promise to reverse the Child Benefit Massacre' *Yawn* *Tedious* *Politics*

2010-10-04 20:27:22
CMI @cmi_managers

Blog: Child Benefit: Government plans to sto[p paying child benefit to fami... http://bit.ly/bFLHoj

2010-10-04 20:27:24

Doesn’t Osborne realise? Kids of wealthier parents cost more as their 'needs' are expensive. Protect their child benefit - Not!

2010-10-04 20:27:45
Jamie @cheesy4skin

The UK is gov stopping child benefit for people earning over £44k... this is great news, why the hell should I pay for other peoples kids??

2010-10-04 20:27:48
Rachel Allen @Rach2411

Child Benefit - does not makes sense! Scrap it for one person in family earning over 44K but keep it for joint income of 88K!! Ridiculous!

2010-10-04 20:27:58

im so glad i just turned 18 i don't have to worry about my child benefit being cut (:

2010-10-04 20:28:00
ConservaUKUSA @ConservaUKUSA

I disagree with the Tory's child benefit cuts. Seems too much like socialism. http://bit.ly/cmzFDr

2010-10-04 20:28:30

@jamie_oliver you're going to lose quite a bit of child benefit!

2010-10-04 20:28:35
Paul David Collins @MrLemonDrizzle

The childless who say 'their' tax shouldn't be spent on child benefit might remember it's the next generation's tax that pays their pension.

2010-10-04 20:28:50

One earner £44k, lose child benefit. Two earners @£43k each = £86k, keep child benefit. Nice one,Gideon. Hitting Single parent families hard

2010-10-04 20:29:15
Early Years News @earlyyearsontap

BBC: child benefit to be scrappped for higher taxpayers http://ow.ly/2NY4K

2010-10-04 20:29:24
Andrew Lewin @Andrew_Lewin_

Evident that the Child Benefit proposal need serious fine tuning, but the principle is sound. Why should top rate earners get this handout?

2010-10-04 20:29:35
Union @UnionArbeiter

Ossie just said he would deliver on Davids promise on the NHS. What about the rest of the promises they made.Child benefit safe for example

2010-10-04 20:30:15
Dave Jones @davejones79

@rich_w we have the forms here, there's no income section. A single child benefit cut to a 40% tax payer is effectively like a 1.7k paycut

2010-10-04 20:30:22
Chi Onwurah 💙 @ChiOnwurah

So Big Society Cameron knows exactly which parents need child benefit? Based on his own personal experience I guess.

2010-10-04 20:30:28
Asensio @paulasensio

@conservatives How can child benefit to be taken off you if you earn over £44k, but if both partners earn £43k EACH you can still claim?

2010-10-04 20:30:37

Good for the coalition - can't deny that taxing the poor to pay child benefit for the better off is unfair

2010-10-04 20:30:59
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