
放射線と発がんとの関連から小児甲状腺がんまでをまとめてみました。 いままでの tweet, togetter の焼き直しです。
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

Demidchik YE (2007) "Childhood Thyroid Cancer in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine after Chernobyl and at Present" http://t.co/aotrSdyIcF

2013-06-30 00:28:12

 ひとつは、遺伝子の点変異(point mutation)の有病率よりも遺伝子の再構成(rearrangement)の有病率が多いこと。

Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Demidchih (2007) "Perhaps such an imbalance between rearrangement-type gene alterations and point mutations ...(cont)"

2013-06-30 01:08:04
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Demidchik "(cont) ... may be a part of the explanation of the difference in the prognosis of disease in patients of different age."

2013-06-30 01:09:03

まとめ Demidchik YE (2007) Demidchik YE (2007) "Childhood Thyroid Cancer in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine after Chernobyl and at Present" http://www.scielo.br/pdf/abem/v51n5/a12v51n5.pdf 875 pv 2


Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

EU Scientific Seminar 2010 http://t.co/f3JoN89tAY , Williams D. "Thyroid cancers after the Chernobyl accident - lessons learnt: an update"

2013-10-06 10:58:39
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

Williams D (2010) "Thyroid cancers after the Chernobyl accident; lessons learnt, an update." http://t.co/N3X9uhNoTE

2013-10-06 11:00:12
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

Williams D (2010) "Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma, genes and radiation dose" http://t.co/N3X9uhNoTE http://t.co/MbGx90BD7p

2013-10-06 11:02:33
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

Williams ".. mutations due to double strand breaks are more common than point mutations as the initial event in radiation induced tumours"

2013-10-06 11:05:31


Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

端的にいえば、放射線被ばくは、発症者数を増やすだけでなく、遺伝子点変異(point mutation)と遺伝子再構成(rearrangement)の比率を変化させると考えました。@drsteppenwolf

2013-10-06 23:28:55

LNT - Single-hit target theory から導かれることは『甲状腺の集団等価線量が同等なら発病者も同等』ということ。