MEdit, OctaMED, SNES, and so on

Videogame Music Preservation Foundation WikiにUKのソフトウェア・ハウスOcean SoftwareがSNESゲームのサウンドトラックの楽曲制作に用いていたツール、MEdit (Ocean MIDI Editor)が2013年9月、アップロードされていたことに始まる、UKのAndyさんとの会話。
赤帯 Takashi Kawano @aka_obi

@_lemon @LouisGorenfeld Yes. It seems the tool is suited to improvisation than any other SID trackers. However I don't know common controls!

2013-10-23 06:09:33
赤帯 Takashi Kawano @aka_obi

@_lemon @goto80 Actually I asked him about things like that. But it looked like he was waiting for us working with the Pandra's box, hehe.

2013-10-23 06:37:45
▙ ▉ ▜▘▉ ▚ ▉ @goto80

@_lemon @aka_obi yeah, ahm, documentation will b released ... "later". :) and, any more suggestions on octaMED-hits always welcome

2013-10-23 17:24:56