The HOBBIT DoS Twitter Q&A #AskThorin まとめ

日本時間2013/12/7未明にUKのTwitter公式で行われた #AskThorin のまとめ。一部さらっとネタバレあります注意。
Jeaeun @sekert1

@HobbitMoviesUK #AskThorin What kind of aspect you want to learn most form Thorin?

2013-12-07 01:16:59
bonefolder findil @ryuuichimonji

Does Thorin have any warrior ink like Dwalin that we don't know about? #AskThorin

2013-12-07 01:20:14
Graham McTavish @grahammctavish

@VenusOctober: Hey @grahammctavish! Says Richard A: “@HobbitMoviesUK: yes, he's got a tattoo of Dwalin on his back #AskThorin””interesting

2013-12-07 01:44:07
Natalia Wi 娜塔丽亚🐰 @witchinguptales

@HobbitMoviesUK what type of character/role are you interested in next and in what genre? #AskThorin

2013-12-06 23:55:14
The Hobbit Movies UK @HobbitMoviesUK

Hi @mlle_nattyprose Something that doesn't involve a green screen and is my own height #AskThorin

2013-12-07 01:23:54
Radio 🎶🎵 Life uh finds a way... @radioproxy

Hi Richard, if you were casted in LotR instead of the Hobbit, which character would you pick to play as? #AskThorin

2013-12-06 22:03:34
Ashton Boon @Ashtino110

What's your favorite thing to do outside of your job? @HobbitMoviesUK #AskThorin

2013-12-07 00:04:41
jessica 🍃 @mxddleearth

@HobbitMoviesUK #AskThorin If you could use Gandalf's magic for ONE thing, what would it be?

2013-12-07 01:21:58
Hana Naufanita @naufanita

@HobbitMoviesUK #askthorin what were you feeling on the last day of filming the hobbit? :))

2013-12-07 01:25:18
The Hobbit Movies UK @HobbitMoviesUK

Hi @naufanita I was feeling every muscle in my body and it was in pain #AskThorin

2013-12-07 01:28:04
Ciara @ciaramist

@HobbitMoviesUK @TheHobbitMovie what's the best place in middle earth to have a drink? #AskThorin

2013-12-07 01:25:18
The Hobbit Movies UK @HobbitMoviesUK

Hi @RinaldiTommaso There was a big competition between Jimmy Nesbitt and Mark Hadlow #AskThorin

2013-12-07 01:29:55
Roberta Sparrow @rhea__poppy

#AskThorin #askBarn if you had to live with one of the dwarfs, who would it be and why?? @HobbitMoviesUK @TheHobbitMovie

2013-12-06 07:52:58
The Hobbit Movies UK @HobbitMoviesUK

Hi @Kill_Rhea @TheHobbitMovie It would be Bombur because he is the best cook in Middle Earth. His BBQ Chicken is 2nd to none #AskThorin

2013-12-07 01:30:50