
WW2 Tweets from 1941 @RealTimeWWII と国策標語bot @KokusakuHyogo を中心とした、日本軍による1941年12月8日真珠湾奇襲とマレー半島コタバルへの侵攻に関連するツイートのまとめ(自分用メモ)です。 こちらにより詳細のまとめがあります。http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2138643972922717801
Second World War tweets from 1939 @RealTimeWWII

Japanese diplomats have officially rejected US demand to withdraw troops from China & abandon Asian empire- "American colonialist meddling."

2013-12-06 03:20:01
Second World War tweets from 1939 @RealTimeWWII

1 Japanese newspaper: "How can the United States justify its war for independence in 1776 but condemn Japanese struggles to free east Asia?"

2013-12-06 03:24:56
Second World War tweets from 1939 @RealTimeWWII

UK's Force Z naval squadron- incl. battleship HMS Prince of Wales- arrive in Singapore to "deter Japanese aggression" http://t.co/xL9SYA4Voc

2013-12-06 03:43:28
Second World War tweets from 1939 @RealTimeWWII

Despite reinforcement, Singapore not entirely on war footing- garrison ordered to take daily compulsory siesta 1-3PM. http://t.co/dUXbupGEfg

2013-12-06 03:45:59
Second World War tweets from 1939 @RealTimeWWII

Aircraft carrier USS Lexington leaves Pearl Harbor, to reinforce US base at Midway against possible Japanese attack. http://t.co/3xcE79SpAG

2013-12-07 03:27:40
Second World War tweets from 1939 @RealTimeWWII

USS Enterprise, due at Pearl Harbor today, delayed by rough seas- no carriers left at Pearl Harbor (although 96 other US warships remain).

2013-12-07 03:35:20
国策標語bot @KokusakuHyogo

【1941/12/7】午前6時30分、真珠湾に向け航行中の第一航空艦隊、連合艦隊電令第13号を受信。「皇國ノ興廃繋リテ此ノ征戰ニ在リ 粉骨砕身各員其ノ任ヲ 完ウスヘシ」

2013-12-07 06:30:04
Second World War tweets from 1939 @RealTimeWWII

Pres. Roosevelt sends personal appeal to Emperor of Japan; "dispel the dark clouds" of war gathering over Pacific: https://t.co/IrQDlLq8Yv

2013-12-07 06:40:58
Second World War tweets from 1939 @RealTimeWWII

It's far too late. Japanese Navy have been ordered "Climb Mount Niitaka"- codephrase to attack Pearl Harbor tomorrow. http://t.co/0T1V35ZFmG

2013-12-07 06:51:37
国策標語bot @KokusakuHyogo

【1941/12/7】午前7時、真珠湾に向け航行中の第一航空艦隊旗艦赤城に「DG」の信号旗。「皇国ノ興廃此ノ一戦ニ在リ 各員一層奮勵努力セヨ」の意。各艦は24ノットに増速し、真珠湾に向け南下を開始。

2013-12-07 07:00:34
国策標語bot @KokusakuHyogo


2013-12-07 13:00:06
国策標語bot @KokusakuHyogo


2013-12-07 17:30:07
国策標語bot @KokusakuHyogo


2013-12-07 20:10:05
大前 治(弁護士) @o_omae

昭和16年の今日12月7日、政府・内務省は「空襲のとき避難してはならない。事前に都市から退去するのも禁止」、「逃げるな、火を消せ」という方針を定めました。この方針が、空襲被害を拡大しました。繰り返したくない歴史です。 ★通達⇒ http://t.co/gILQOvDD42

2013-12-07 20:30:39
国策標語bot @KokusakuHyogo


2013-12-08 00:00:07
国策標語bot @KokusakuHyogo


2013-12-08 00:30:03
Second World War tweets from 1939 @RealTimeWWII

6.10AM 1st wave of 183 Japanese planes taking off from carrier fleet. Target is 370km south: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. http://t.co/sc0MHNawMS

2013-12-08 01:10:03
Second World War tweets from 1939 @RealTimeWWII

Dawn just breaking over Pacific. To check direction, Japanese pilots have tuned in to US radio station from Honolulu, playing dance music.

2013-12-08 01:15:09
国策標語bot @KokusakuHyogo


2013-12-08 01:30:06
国策標語bot @KokusakuHyogo


2013-12-08 01:35:06
Second World War tweets from 1939 @RealTimeWWII

Roosevelt has been given decrypted Japanese messages ordering ambassador to break off diplomatic relations; very long- he hasn't read it all

2013-12-08 01:39:48
Second World War tweets from 1939 @RealTimeWWII

Japanese Army have invaded Malaya: 5000 troops storming up beaches at Kota Bharu, in withering hail of fire from British Indian defenders.

2013-12-08 02:00:13
国策標語bot @KokusakuHyogo


2013-12-08 02:05:04
Second World War tweets from 1939 @RealTimeWWII

To coincide with surprise strike on Pearl Harbor, Japan simultaneously attacking Thailand, Philipines, & UK colonies Singapore & Hong Kong.

2013-12-08 02:10:05
国策標語bot @KokusakuHyogo


2013-12-08 02:30:06