
深刻な状態にあるシューマッハへのF1関係者からのメッセージをまとめました。 2013.1.4 更新
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Sergio Pérez @SChecoPerez

Mis oraciones con Schumacher y su familia!! Seguro saldrá adelante .. #PrayForSchumi

2013-12-30 08:47:03
Pol Espargaró @polespargaro

Mucho animo Schumi!! Toda mi fuerza #Kaiser estamos contigo! #KeepfightingSchumacher

2013-12-30 08:48:16
Rubens Barrichello @rubarrichello

O q importa na vida é lembrar dos bons momentos e das boas risadas. To rezando por vc ..// What… http://t.co/3bCBcSgvqw

2013-12-30 08:57:26
Justin Wilson @justin_wilson

Thoughts are with Michael Schumacher and his family. Hard for me to accept as I always believe that he was invincible.

2013-12-30 08:58:55
Esteban Gutierrez @EstebanGtz

All our thoughts to Michael and his family! Get well soon Shumi! God bless you!

2013-12-30 09:14:12
Shinji Nakano/中野信治 @shinjinakano24


2013-12-30 09:45:50
Mario Andretti @MarioAndretti

I will be very grateful to hear positive news on Michael Schumacher. I'm as anxious as everyone. I hope my prayers will be heard

2013-12-30 09:48:48
John Martin @John_martin24

Shocked to hear about michael schumachers accident this morning get well soon.

2013-12-30 09:57:07
Lucas Ordonez @Lucas_Ordonez

Deseando que Schumacher se recupere pronto / Hoping Schumacher gets well soon #sadyearforracingdrivers

2013-12-30 10:28:17
Jaime Alguersuari @SquireMusic

Espero que todavia sigamos aprendiendo! Mis mejores deseo para michael / hope we can still keep… http://t.co/TDfChirXxK

2013-12-30 11:10:21
PETRONAS Motorsports @PET_Motorsports

Get well soon Michael. We are hoping for your speedy recovery. Our prayers are with you and your family. From PETRONAS Motorsports.

2013-12-30 11:19:32
KAMUI KOBAYASHI @kamui_kobayashi

I just got Michael news. We can't lost any more hero from F1. マイケルのニュースみました。 もうこれ以上F1のヒーローを無くせません。もう一回祈ってきます。I pray for you.

2013-12-30 11:47:54
Narain Karthikeyan @narainracing

Terrible to hear about M Schumacher's skiing injury. If anyone can pull through this its you.

2013-12-30 12:22:04
Pastor Maldonado NFT @Pastormaldo

Sad news today about Shumi, praying for you mate!

2013-12-30 12:53:41
Esteban Guerrieri @eguerrieriok

Fuerza #Schumi !!! Todo el mundo del automovilismo esta empujando contigo!! #GetWellSoonMichael

2013-12-30 12:55:24
Karun Chandhok @karunchandhok

Get well soon Michael ! Time to fight just like Spa 1995, Hungary 1998 or Suzuka 2000 #Legend Praying for a speedy recovery

2013-12-30 13:30:52
Johnny Herbert @johnnyherbertf1

Shocking news on the 7 time F1 Champion Michael Schumacher. The strength you showed on track will get you through this mate.

2013-12-30 16:32:41
Ferrari Driver Academy @insideFDA

Come on Michael...we have been throught tougher challenges !!!

2013-12-30 16:38:14
Stoffel Vandoorne @svandoorne

All of us who were inspired by Schumi are now praying he wins his biggest race! #GetWellSoonMichael #Legend

2013-12-30 17:15:56
Nico Hülkenberg @HulkHulkenberg

My thoughts are with Michael & his family! Hope to hear something positive very soon!

2013-12-30 17:21:35
Nico Prost @nico_prost

Like everyone, hoping for some better news from Michael Schumacher. All my thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.

2013-12-30 17:26:30
James Calado @JamesCalado

Michael is a fighter, he won many battles in his lifetime. Let's all pray he wins his biggest one yet #MichaelSchumacher

2013-12-30 17:42:13
Dani Juncadella @dani_juncadella

Ally thoughts with Schumi during this tough moment. But we all know that he is even tougher!! #GoSchumi #GetWellSoonMichael

2013-12-30 17:47:53
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