
彼についてのニュースがあるたびに、中身がどんどんひどくなってゆく……80年代から90年代にかけてイングランド代表でもクラブでも華々しい活躍をみせたものの、その後の凋落っぷりがものすごいポール・ガスコインが、蛇行運転で職質され、基準値を大幅に上回るアルコールが検出されて起訴され「実刑もありうる」と言われてから数日後、別の容疑で逮捕されました。今回の容疑は「クラスAのドラッグ(所持しているだけでも罪になるハード・ドラッグ)」の所持。。。 7月の、衝撃的な「チキンと釣竿」事件(下記)の衝撃も冷めやらぬ中、かつてのスポーツヒーローのあまりの悲惨な末路についての人々の声を中心に、まとめました。私は別にファンではないけれども、それでも読んでて泣けてきました。 たまたま同じ日に、「ひょっとしたらガッザ化するのでは」といわれていたウェイン・ルーニー(マンU)のニュースもあり、人々の投稿は多少入り組んでいます。 続きを読む
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Stuart @StuartgregoryW6

Gazza was one of the best footballers I have ever seen play. I will never forget being at wembley vs Scotland. He needs help big time.

2010-10-22 19:26:30
The Daily Record @Daily_Record

Breaking News: Gazza arrested over drugs offences

2010-10-22 19:27:41

Gazza caught with class a drugs. What an idiot.

2010-10-22 19:27:58
Warren S @1wozza

Seriously, someone help Gazza before it's too late! #football

2010-10-22 19:29:07
Crazy Horse @soccerscandal

Wazza should take a good look at Gazza becuase thats where he is heading.

2010-10-22 19:31:42
Dan @_rootword

Don't arrest Gazza! He only saw that Prince Harry thing last night and thought he could go help him out!

2010-10-22 19:32:15
Twinko Phiri @Twinko

Gazza arrested for posession of a Class A while while awaiting sentencing got a DUI! What a moron!

2010-10-22 19:34:01
Sky News @SkyNews

Rooney Threats: Guards Patrol Player's Home

2010-10-22 19:36:08
Jude A @Jaddle Haaaa!!! But really upsetting to hear Gazza's in trouble again. Poor guy, so sad, no-one out there to look after him

2010-10-22 19:36:11
Tony Mays @AFCBTony

sad to see Gazza in trouble again

2010-10-22 19:48:09
Rossy Teasdale @RossyT11

It is actually upsetting to see a boyhood Hero-Footballing Genius fall apart like this: Get through This mess Gazza!

2010-10-22 19:39:04
Judge Conkerface @Conkerface

Poor old Gazza, eh? Back in the day, Mars bars were known as 'Gazza' bars cos he loved 'em so. Now they're calling 9 bars Gazza bars.

2010-10-22 20:27:10
You-Nigh-Ted! @Iffy_aka_Giggs

Oh NO Gazza...Who else thinks that soon they will hear Gazza dies? It will; be sad but the way hes going...

2010-10-22 19:44:14
Eddie Gold @EddGold

First drink driving now Gazzas arrested after drugs raid. "Er hello rehab, can you let me in"

2010-10-22 19:41:10

Rooney, I hope you end up a serial rehab patient like Gazza. U can take the boy out of scouse, but you can't take the scouse out the boy.

2010-10-22 19:44:47
Pablo Blanco @HowesTheBacon

Somebody please lock Gazza up before it's too late.

2010-10-22 19:49:27

For anyone who missed it before, great piece re Gazza >>>

2010-10-22 19:50:39
Heart North East @heartnortheast

More on Paul Gascoigne's drug arrest. Real Radio broke the news this morning that he'd been arrested last night #gazza

2010-10-22 19:52:52

The way Gazza's been let down by sport and therapy "friends" over the years just makes his "drugs" arrest all the more depressing.

2010-10-22 19:56:59
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