ソーシャルメディアイベント in 文化のみち 海外Ustreamグループ

Yaqoob Al-Slais 🇧🇭 @ysLaise

Spending the day ustreaming for our lab's experimental event (@ 旧豊田佐助邸 w/ 3 others) http://4sq.com/6ROOId

2010-11-03 13:21:58
Yaqoob Al-Slais 🇧🇭 @ysLaise

Today's Culture Day in Japan, a national holiday celebrating the country's rich culture and heritage. I spent the... http://fb.me/Lp6LqxA0

2010-11-03 13:27:05
Yaqoob Al-Slais 🇧🇭 @ysLaise

The Futaba Museum is a beautiful building with it's Western influenced architecture and orange roof tiles (@ 文化のみち二葉館 旧川上貞奴邸)

2010-11-03 14:16:56
Yaqoob Al-Slais 🇧🇭 @ysLaise

100 flowers, 100 blades of grass... (@ 文化のみち 百花百草) http://4sq.com/9Rxw19

2010-11-03 14:19:12