FOSS4G Osaka 一日目

11月5日に行われたFOSS4G Osaka 一日目のTwitterログです.
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Naoki Ueda(上田直生) @naokiueda

#FOSS4G 今日のFFOS4G限定で英語でツイートしてみよう。思いつきですが。 From now, I'm gonna tweet in English today for FOSS4G.

2010-11-05 14:14:56
西口昌宏 @mahbo

アメリカでは地図が自由に使えるようになってたのね。政府が作ったからという事なのかな #kof2010 #foss4gj

2010-11-05 14:15:28
Toshikazu SETO @tosseto

RT @niyalist: 前にいるので気づかなかったのですが,席は後ろまでいっぱいですね! #foss4gj QT @naokiueda: #FOSS4G それにしてもすごい人だ。ジオメディアサミットもたかがい盛り上がってきたが、FOSS4Gの盛り上がりもすごい。

2010-11-05 14:15:31
Naoki Ueda(上田直生) @naokiueda

#FOSS4G Presentation of Mr Seino of Open Street Map. OSM is not under OSGeo, but 'neighborhood' community.

2010-11-05 14:18:17
Masaki Ito @niyalist

.@Say_no is now introducing the local chapter of OSM in Japan, its not formal now, but trying to make OSM Foundation Japan #foss4gj

2010-11-05 14:18:58
Naoki Ueda(上田直生) @naokiueda

#FOSS4G OSM foundation Japan will be launched soon. Great!

2010-11-05 14:19:08
Masaki Ito @niyalist

He think whole Japan was large for tight communication, so he is working and drinking together mainly in Kansai Area. #foss4gj

2010-11-05 14:21:04
Masaki Ito @niyalist

In kyoto, there are lots of sightseeing spots, but not mapped yet. They conducted Hieizan Mapping Party for tourist from other cty. #foss4gj

2010-11-05 14:22:42
Naoki Ueda(上田直生) @naokiueda

#FOSS4G Open Street Map has a rule to write in Japanese and English as much as possible, since OSM is a Map that is open to the world!

2010-11-05 14:23:12
西口昌宏 @mahbo

OSMのマッピングパーティって、GPSロガー持って歩くのかな。地図作るというから測量機使うと思ってた #kof2010 #foss4gj

2010-11-05 14:25:07
Masaki Ito @niyalist

They are also working for disaster prevention activities, education at Tezukayama University, Wakayama Kosen Highschool etc. #foss4gj

2010-11-05 14:25:14
NI-Lab. @nilab

RT @niyalist: 前にいるので気づかなかったのですが,席は後ろまでいっぱいですね! #foss4gj QT @naokiueda: #FOSS4G それにしてもすごい人だ。ジオメディアサミットもたかがい盛り上がってきたが、FOSS4Gの盛り上がりもすごい。

2010-11-05 14:25:18
Naoki Ueda(上田直生) @naokiueda

#FOSS4G OSM foundation and OSGeo foundations trying to find the way to cooperate. @Say_no 's presentation was ended.

2010-11-05 14:30:56
Masaki Ito @niyalist

in the Internatioal level, OSM and FOSS4G is starting to work together, Now they are making japan chapter to work with OSGEO Japan. #foss4gj

2010-11-05 14:32:06
Naoki Ueda(上田直生) @naokiueda

#Foss4g tomorrow, we are gonna have 'Geomedia Summit Osaka' as a part f FOSS4G.

2010-11-05 14:33:25
Masaki Ito @niyalist

His question was about underground map, answering that there are OSM 3D Project, but GPS doesn't work there #foss4gj

2010-11-05 14:34:13
Masaki Ito @niyalist

.@Say_no said that it is still possible to infer underground structure from the position of entrance to the underground etc. #foss4gj

2010-11-05 14:34:39
Naoki Ueda(上田直生) @naokiueda

#FOSS4G Geomedia Summit is a community event of Location Based Services market. It has nothing to do with Intergraph's GIS, 'GeoMedia'.

2010-11-05 14:35:10
Naoki Ueda(上田直生) @naokiueda

#FOSS4G Now presentation is Flex User Group (FxUG) women group!

2010-11-05 14:36:00
Masaki Ito @niyalist

Google Mapsを歪めて出すのって,出来るんでしたっけ?(Flash API的に,ライセンス的に) #foss4gj

2010-11-05 14:38:39
Jeff McKenna @mapserving

@pramsey survived a night out with me in Namba Osaka ha. #foss4gj (we never got lost somehow ha)

2010-11-05 14:41:46
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