SPARC DR meeting day1

11/8 DR Meeting の、ひとまず1日目のセッションの途中までをカバーしています。最後のカナダの人の報告はおちているぽい。
前へ 1 ・・ 12 13
ChrisR @carusb

Utterly disagree with Chuck! No other meaning! RT @kevingashley: Chuck says: "can't equate long-term access with preservation" #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:13:46
Lisa Schiff @lschiff

@CameronNeylon I totally agree. This is a great source of info for developing new tools--find out what researchers like about excel #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:14:05
Lisa Schiff @lschiff

A nod to CDL's UC3 and more micro-services, this time out of Canada and for data services in the OAIS framework. #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:15:58
Kevin Ashley @kevingashley

@bnlawrence #spdr10 Probably often true, but not necessarily. Depends if Excel is capture or manipulation tool.

2010-11-09 05:16:15
CⓐmeronNeylon @CameronNeylon

@kevingashley Databases too hard for most rsrchrs. We do need 2 meet halfway tho. Need better training in data modelling for rsrchrs #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:16:42
🇪🇺🇬🇧🇳🇿 💙 @bnlawrence

@CameronNeylon and that's my point. Excel is a tool for manipulating data. Folks need different tools for managing it. #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:16:42
Mike Furlough @MikeFurlough

Microservices get a cameo at #spdr10, via Chuck Humphries. *drink*

2010-11-09 05:17:15
Dr. Heather Leary @heatherlearyphd

@lschiff @moncia I too use it for data. I know it, comes with other programs I use (Word, PP), sorts well, runs basic stats #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:17:16

@CameronNeylon Hmph. I can teach my libschool students basic SQL query in <1 hr. Too hard? Rly? #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:17:32
CⓐmeronNeylon @CameronNeylon

@bnlawrence Absolutely. Couldn't agree more. But we're struggling enough to do analysis in first place with substandard tools #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:18:37
ChrisR @carusb

@RepoRat yes, too hard, since Excell >>> query. It really lets you play with stuff. It's seductive small, if disastrous in the large #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:19:42
@mrgunn ⏸️ @mrgunn

@RepoRat You have to set up the environment first. WHat about presentation-worthy graphics from said query results? @CameronNeylon #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:20:08
Rachel L Frick @rlfrick

Micro-services discussed at #spdr10, along with a shout out to Stephen Abrams and CDL.

2010-11-09 05:20:19
CⓐmeronNeylon @CameronNeylon

@RepoRat Not saying its a gd thing, just how it is on the grnd. Cld teach your students PCR in 1 hour. But wld they turn up 4 class? #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:21:06
CⓐmeronNeylon @CameronNeylon

More seriously I'm not sure. I usually advocate lightweight wrappers to make linked data-ish graphs out of the original data objects #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:23:04
Sarah Shreeves @sshreeves

I appreciate that two of the presenters were tweeting during the session :) #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:23:12
ChrisR @carusb

@bnlawrence I think that manipulate vs manage distinction only becomes clear once you've made a right data mess eg multiple sheets #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:23:26
CⓐmeronNeylon @CameronNeylon

@kolorkid This does not, as a whole, endear me to repository managers who generally want more formally structured metadata #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:23:42
CⓐmeronNeylon @CameronNeylon

@gailst I understand. I just feel we're missing a trick here by just setting up these args. Its about as productive as TeX vs Word #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:25:19

tone of the 2010 spdr meeting quite different than 2008. #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:26:04

the open data session was good - showed UK, US, and Canadian approaches to data pres. #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:27:10
🇪🇺🇬🇧🇳🇿 💙 @bnlawrence

@kolorkid @CameronNeylon Glib answer: professionals. Better answer: software tools that don't yet exist, need dev and funding. #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:32:12
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