SPARC DR meeting day1

11/8 DR Meeting の、ひとまず1日目のセッションの途中までをカバーしています。最後のカナダの人の報告はおちているぽい。
前へ 1 ・・ 11 12 次へ
Sarah Shreeves @sshreeves

I wish we were as organized as how @gailst describes Cornell's efforts - impressive #spdr10

2010-11-09 04:44:34
Bonnie Tijerina @bonlth

Steinhart talking about DataStaR at Cornell for small data #spdr10

2010-11-09 04:45:30
Mike Furlough @MikeFurlough

@sshreeves Everyone sounds well organized from the podium. Not that I haven't already sent that to my Dean and CIO. #spdr10

2010-11-09 04:46:51
asallans @asallans

DataStar's model is Private > Shared > Public and can publish out to other external repos...very cool #spdr10

2010-11-09 04:48:21
MAEDA (Tsuchide), Ikuko @itsuchide

DataStaRではひとつのデータについて3種類のメタデータをもつらしい。研究者・研究グルー、データセット、ファイルレベル。 #spdr10

2010-11-09 04:49:26
Kevin Ashley @kevingashley

Wish we could see the slides better from up here on the stage... @gailst describing well-thought-out stuff at Cornell #spdr10

2010-11-09 04:50:24
Mike Furlough @MikeFurlough

#spdr10 RT @rlfrick: Like the idea of a "data discussion group" at Cornell. Creates awareness and shares knowledge on campus.

2010-11-09 04:53:56
p.moore @pm3415

considering mid-career mentoring for re-training #spdr10

2010-11-09 04:55:52

#spdr10 ooo preservation! That might be important.

2010-11-09 04:58:09
Kevin Ashley @kevingashley

#spdr10 Chuck saying, as others have, that we've studied this problem (data mgt & preservation) a lot. We need to do. Agree.

2010-11-09 05:00:51
Gail Steinhart @gailst

Chuck Humphrey describing the data landscape in Canada #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:02:51
Dr. Heather Leary @heatherlearyphd

So many researchers use Excel to enter and manage their data. Shocking? #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:04:43
Gail Steinhart @gailst

"you wouldn't believe how many researchers use excel to manage their data." Yes I would! #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:05:08
Monica McCormick @moncia

Implications for repositories? (not rhetorical ?) RT @kolorkid Many researchers use Excel to enter and manage their data. Shocking? #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:08:10

@moncia Well, at least some rsch data will fit with IRs' impoverished content models. Yay? #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:09:42
Kevin Ashley @kevingashley

Chuck says "you can't equate long-term access with preservation"- but surely it helps #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:10:21
CⓐmeronNeylon @CameronNeylon

Dear data nerds. Stop complaining about "those researchers" using Excel and provide tools that are obv. better and just as general #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:11:05
Sarah Shreeves @sshreeves

@moncia straight data files are relatively straightforward but the issues for us come up with macros and refs to other spreadsheets #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:12:54
Kevin Ashley @kevingashley

@CameronNeylon Agree. That's the aim of tools like SUDAMIH. (probably aimed at MS Access rather than Excel, but same idea) #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:12:56
CⓐmeronNeylon @CameronNeylon

p.s. That's meant affectionately. I know the problems with Excel but it's an easy and flexible front end for arbitrary data analysis #spdr10

2010-11-09 05:12:56
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