
Don Nomura @donnomura

Offer from the A's were 4 years 15.25 ave of 3.81. A's comps were igawa and Colby Lewis.

2010-11-22 17:05:56
Don Nomura @donnomura

Since their comps include posted and a free agent I countered with Kuroda who is FA and matsuzaka who was posted.

2010-11-22 17:07:37
Don Nomura @donnomura

A's position was they paid 19.1 million to Rakuten so average annual salary AAV is at 8.5 million but posting fee has nothing to do with AAV

2010-11-22 17:11:38
Don Nomura @donnomura

Saturday it came to take it or leave and would send a press release that the negotiations ended! I said go ahead!! Now A's are blaming

2010-11-22 17:14:22
Don Nomura @donnomura

Blaming me for asking lots of money! Never spoke about the money just wanted 3 years vs 4 years also told Billy when he wrote me that I was

2010-11-22 17:16:59
Don Nomura @donnomura

Seeking more than 9 million per year and I wrote back we could have done it lot lower!! But not at your offer, if u change ur mind we have

2010-11-22 17:18:13
Don Nomura @donnomura

Till the 8th so call me. Mr Iwakuma will be a free agent next year and you will be missing out if u don't sign him!! Short version of...

2010-11-22 17:19:55
Don Nomura @donnomura

@korotang ありがとうございます,決別してよかったです,足元見過ぎ‼ クライアントのためにも無理して行くしつようがない(^O^)

2010-11-22 17:21:58
Don Nomura @donnomura

@sekimura そんなてには乗りません,その球団にはいきません

2010-11-22 17:23:21
Don Nomura @donnomura

@bzkjose I don't know I they are #1but certainly missed out on a great player short selling is not what I do! They know he is good!!

2010-11-22 17:27:21
Don Nomura @donnomura

Btw A's couldn't sign Mr Iwakuma so they are hunting two free agent pitchers!! I don't believe them!! Offer to beltre was just a PR

2010-11-22 17:31:45
Don Nomura @donnomura

オークランドは岩隈さんに対して四年のやく12億,これをけりました,比較対象選手出したのが 井川とコルビー ルイス,全く的外れ,それをみて松坂と黒田をだした、フリーとポスティングの選手!そうしたら楽天に19.1ミリオン払うから予算がない,じゃなぜ入札したの⁇欲しいからと言われたが!

2010-11-22 17:40:53
Don Nomura @donnomura

@eaglertepper46 ありがとうございます,頑張ります。独占交渉けんはひどい

2010-11-22 18:02:27
Don Nomura @donnomura

@rhw51 Maybe to you. Lol. He was a free agent then how about kuroda!! Iwakuma has very similar numbers.

2010-11-22 18:13:04
Don Nomura @donnomura

@rhw51 kuroda Lewis Lewis had better numbers younger but why less money??

2010-11-22 18:13:37
Don Nomura @donnomura

@rhw51 A' would use only the lowest comps!! I do the same if I was the club and also lose a great player. Lol

2010-11-22 18:31:31
Don Nomura @donnomura

@rhw51 When I say comps it's both their numbers and salary. Colby 2.5 igawa 4 million kuroda 12 million matsuzaka 8.6

2010-11-22 18:56:32
Don Nomura @donnomura

@rhw51 if play A made x then player B should make similar$$

2010-11-22 19:04:14
Don Nomura @donnomura

@rhw51 good target price!! They were trying to buy a distressed property!! If no buy still good cuz Iwakuma won't be with rival AL team!!

2010-11-22 19:06:34
Don Nomura @donnomura

@Bigunits Cliff Lee は125million 5year 景気悪いですか?セットアップのbenoit 3yr 18million??景気悪いですかね⁇どうですか⁇

2010-11-22 19:47:28
Don Nomura @donnomura

@Bigunits 僕は 景気いいか悪いかについて書きました,mlb は景気がいいです。じっせきであれはルイスはなぜあんなに安い⁇黒田と同じまたは以上なのに‼

2010-11-22 20:14:21
Don Nomura @donnomura

@Bigunits Texas がいいおもいをしてます いいスカウティングかな? オプション,インセンティブないのかな⁇

2010-11-22 20:18:25
Don Nomura @donnomura

@arimoto_kaori これが野球ビジネスです,だからエージェントがひつよです(^^;;

2010-11-22 20:20:16