「何万人もの朝鮮人性奴隷が!」って証拠はどこにあるの? - 英ガーディアン紙記者との会話

短いやりとりですが、典型的なリベラル人権派メディアの逃げが見られるのでまとめておきます。'in person'じゃなきゃ説明できないってところが、「証拠はたくさんある!」に通じます。
justin mccurry @justinmccurry

Another mindless, disingenuous contribution to the Asahi-comfort women debate from Japan's far right: en.jinf.jp/news/archives/…

2014-10-06 21:42:01
asahiadranking @asahiadranking

@justinmccurry I think "mindless" is a proper word for armchair journalists who blindly follow the forged stories from Asahi like you ;-)

2014-10-06 23:10:10
asahiadranking @asahiadranking

@justinmccurry So WHAT proves the existence of tens of thousands of Korean wartime sex slaves? Showing it will proves u er A journalist.

2014-10-06 23:39:53
asahiadranking @asahiadranking

@justinmccurry btw Korea was part of Japan at that time, not a colony. Kidnapping tens of thousands of imperial public was impossible.

2014-10-06 23:43:52
justin mccurry @justinmccurry

@asahiadranking If you're as diligent about history as you seem to think you are, you should know already.

2014-10-06 23:43:22
justin mccurry @justinmccurry

@asahiadranking I'd explain in person, but I'm guessing your real name isn't Mr/Ms/Mrs asahiadranking ...

2014-10-06 23:45:42
justin mccurry @justinmccurry

@asahiadranking or that you actually resemble the kanji character 朝. This is as far as my interaction with anonymous Tweeters goes. Cheerio.

2014-10-06 23:47:18
asahiadranking @asahiadranking

@justinmccurry OK. Though I found nothing new, it was good talking to you anyway ;-)

2014-10-06 23:49:46