フライング・ロータス自身による『You're Dead!』解説ツイートまとめ

「このアルバムは、終わりをテーマにしているわけじゃない。これは次なる体験に向けた祝いなんだ。“なあ、お前は死んじまったんだよ…”っていうんじゃなくてさ、“よう、お前は死んでるんだぜ!”って意味なんだよ」 ― フライング・ロータス http://www.beatink.com/Labels/Warp-Records/Flying-Lotus/BRC-438/
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FLYLO @flyinglotus

All my fam and friends were there. Watching me being taken into the sky. The deity shed it's light on the earth. The light was almost silver

2014-10-08 02:50:05
FLYLO @flyinglotus

She told me that I'd never ever die

2014-10-08 02:50:17
FLYLO @flyinglotus

The beyond is dedicated to an unborn child

2014-10-08 02:51:19
FLYLO @flyinglotus

Fantastic planet inspired this song. Musically

2014-10-08 02:51:59
FLYLO @flyinglotus

The protest. Is the most important statement of the record. It's the spirits gathered. Remembering we never die

2014-10-08 02:52:58
FLYLO @flyinglotus

Our influence lives on forever. Our love lives on forever.

2014-10-08 02:53:25
FLYLO @flyinglotus

I knew that when I set out to make this record id lose some people with the concept but i didn't do this shit to be crowd pleasing

2014-10-08 03:02:04
FLYLO @flyinglotus

what ever happens, I know I did what I set out to do.

2014-10-08 03:06:01
FLYLO @flyinglotus

truth be told going the 'easy way' is tempting sometimes but I was like fuck it I'm gonna make something only I can put together.

2014-10-08 03:07:52
FLYLO @flyinglotus

a lil self indulgent? absolutely. Thats kinda the point. If you ask me. I had to tell my story!

2014-10-08 03:08:21
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