英国、大学学費値上げの法案、下院での採決の日~London's nearly burning

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dag @d_a_t_green

Which party do I support now?

2010-12-10 02:49:47
UK Uncut @UKuncut

This is not over, the battle against cuts is only just beginning. Don't fall back, fight back! #dayx3 #payday

2010-12-10 02:49:54

In central lobby of Parliament. V calm in here! Outside young people feel sickened and betrayed by #LibDems #Demo2010

2010-12-10 02:50:12
Socialist Worker @socialistworker

25 abstained if they had a spine vote would have lost

2010-12-10 02:50:14
Richard Seymour @leninology

The government majortiy was cut from 84 to 21, ie divided by 4. The student protests did that.

2010-12-10 02:51:04
marmite_news 🇵🇸 @marmite_news

(ˆ◡ˆ) ➽ @davidallengreen Oh well, that the Lib Dems fucked for another generation. #Solidarity #UKuncut #Demo2010

2010-12-10 02:51:06
Richard Seymour @leninology

Now we need to build a campaign to bring down the government.

2010-12-10 02:51:18
dag @d_a_t_green

And there is *no* point having AV, if the Lib Dems are going fuck with pledges just to stay in the then-more-likely coalitions.

2010-12-10 02:51:23
UK Uncut @UKuncut

Now is not the time to mourn, it is the time to regroup, to organise, to plan the death of this government. Don't fall back, fight back!

2010-12-10 02:52:15
Laura Kuenssberg @bbclaurak

Ed Miliband says this is a moment of 'no turning back' for the Lib dems and claims Clegg has lost 'all credibility'

2010-12-10 02:53:06
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

RT @tom_watson: Tory whips telling their MPs not to cheer at the result.

2010-12-10 02:53:45
Martin F. Robbins @mjrobbins

Sometimes I feel like all three parties are in a competition to see who can most effectively alienate my vote.

2010-12-10 02:54:28
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

Police charging forward to push protesters back in Westminster - crowds shouting 'shame on you' outside Commons #demo2010 #c4news

2010-12-10 02:54:34
SteFoyLesLyonFr @SteFoyLesLyonFr


2010-12-10 02:56:08
The DM Reporter @DMReporter

BREAKING: Cameron's tuition fee victory - "if the students had behaved properly we might have reconsidered. They have themselves to blame."

2010-12-10 02:56:26
Guardian politics @GdnPolitics

MPs vote to increase tuition fees cap to £9,000 by majority of 21 http://gu.com/p/2yya5/tw

2010-12-10 02:57:20
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

Join our live blog http://bit.ly/dNwFeV - tracking latest on the tuition vote & have a bit of an arts debate going on thanks to @luluartist

2010-12-10 02:57:21
John O'Shea @politicalhackuk

Abstaining is spineless - you are elected and paid to decide, not sit on fence. LibDem betrayals won this for govt. #day3x #demo2010

2010-12-10 02:57:29
BBC News (UK) @BBCNews

Government wins vote to set minimum of £6,000 for #tuitionfees, by majority of 21

2010-12-10 02:58:01
David Cameron @DavidCameronEsq

Thanks to all LibDem abstainers - without you, sitting on the fence, we would not have been able to shaft the students of tomorrow #dayx3

2010-12-10 02:58:02
dag @d_a_t_green

Right, @DrEvanHarris, Nick Cohen, Joanne Cash and I to be a new gang of four and launch actual liberal party ;-)

2010-12-10 02:58:06
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