
#cablegate 12月7日から11日(ジュリアン・アサンジ逮捕以降)、Wikileaksのツイートを中心に(英語のみ)

前スレ: #cablegate 12月3日から7日(ジュリアン・アサンジ逮捕まで)、Wikileaksのツイートを中心に(英語&日本語) http://togetter.com/li/76435 以下のまとめ(大量注意)は、ウィキリークス公式 @wikileaks, ガーディアン編集長 @arusbridger, ガーディアンの特集ページのフィード @GdnCables, ジュリアン・アサンジの弁護士さん @MarksLarks, フォーリン・ポリシー(米)の編集デスク @blakehounshell, ネットメディア論の専門家 @evgenymorozov (彼は非常に数多くのニュースを紹介してくれる), ボランティア技術者 @ioerror などによる、12月7日から11日午後までのtweetsなどで構成されています。すべて英語です。 続きを読む
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alan rusbridger @arusbridger

You can still use MasterCard and Visa to give to organisations linked to the KKK #wikileaks http://bit.ly/hK06La

2010-12-08 01:21:18
Nadim Kobeissi @kaepora

"The insurance file will only be activated in the gravest of circumstances if #WikiLeaks is no longer operational," Hrafnson said.

2010-12-08 01:52:57
WikiLeaks @wikileaks

Censorship in action - see all the attacks on wikileaks here: http://bit.ly/ePIKfV KEEP US STRONG: http://wikileaks.ch/support.html

2010-12-08 02:05:09
Blake Hounshell @blakehounshell

This story doesn't include a direct quote from Ehud Barak saying that WikiLeaks is affecting the settlement freeze http://bit.ly/ghhDhs

2010-12-08 02:19:54
Blake Hounshell @blakehounshell

Hackers now trying to take down Swedish government websites

2010-12-08 02:33:56
Mark Stephens @MarksLarks

#Assange: WikiLeaks Founder Meets Police In Britain Over Sexual Assault Claims In Sweden | U.. http://bit.ly/e1Zjyc

2010-12-08 02:59:18
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate WikiLeaks: US Senator Joe Lieberman suggests New York Times could be investigated http://bit.ly/gsdA9U #wikileaks

2010-12-08 03:05:19
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate Video: US embassy cables: How the Guardian protects sources http://bit.ly/h82L9C #wikileaks

2010-12-08 03:05:19
Nadim Kobeissi @kaepora

"Many people will stand for Assange, believe that Assange is innocent, that this prosecution is politically motivated." http://is.gd/imfR0

2010-12-08 06:01:25
Nadim Kobeissi @kaepora

@SarahPalinUSA Twitter would be bothering to correct your saying Assange has "blood on his hands", but it's not like you're usually accurate

2010-12-08 06:32:08
alan rusbridger @arusbridger

#wikileaks Gaddafi's "thuggsh threats" led to release of Lockerbie bomber http://bit.ly/i9oO3z

2010-12-08 06:37:43
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate WikiLeaks cables: Muammar Gaddafi – mercurial, phobic 'King of Culture' http://bit.ly/eg6ciO #wikileaks

2010-12-08 06:39:08
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate WikiLeaks cables: Tunisia blocks site reporting 'hatred' of first lady http://bit.ly/gC7ix8 #wikileaks

2010-12-08 06:39:09
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate WikiLeaks cables: Saudis proposed Arab force to invade Lebanon http://bit.ly/dUIgBr #wikileaks

2010-12-08 06:39:09
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate WikiLeaks cables: Muammar Gaddafi and the 'voluptuous blonde' http://bit.ly/h2p4sg #wikileaks

2010-12-08 06:39:09
alan rusbridger @arusbridger

#wikileaks Saudis proposed Arab force, backed by US + NATO, to invade Lebanon http://bit.ly/dFZOjb

2010-12-08 06:40:33
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