ジュリアン・アサンジの主張をめぐる、「科学的ジャーナリズム」の不在とその萌芽(?) #WL_JP

ジュリアン・アサンジに対するスウェーデンでの容疑について、何一つ客観的事実として確立されていないにもかかわらず、「レイプ犯」だの「逆ギレ女」だの「ハニートラップ」だのという言葉で憶測ばかりが語られているだけでなく、保釈後にアサンジ自身が語った「司法当局のおかしなやり口」(BBC Newsnightインタビューなど参照)についても、アサンジの言葉は主流メディアで伝えられているけれども、事実として立証しようという動きが見られない――それにフラストレーションを覚えたベン・ゴールドエイカーさんと、ブロガーや記者のtweetsをまとめました。 続きを読む
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Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

.@carlgardner i dont know if what Assange is alleging about Swedish/UK legal impropriety is true or not. I WANT JOURNALISTS TO FACT CHECK IT

2010-12-18 01:10:30
Carl Gardner @carlgardner

@bengoldacre I know; to do that you start by realising there *may be* two sides to the story that the process is dodgy, not just one.

2010-12-18 01:12:19
Carl Gardner @carlgardner

@bengoldacre It's very interesting that reporting has been so influenced by the fact that one side is saying a lot, the other side nothing.

2010-12-18 01:13:11
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@carlgardner this is a perfectly checkable set of allegations about legal impropriety, and the fact that nobody has done so is pathetic.

2010-12-18 01:13:27
Andrew Brooks @taxbod

Fight, fight. If @carlgardner wasn't so much of a gent, he'd kick @bengoldacre 's arse. #assange

2010-12-18 01:31:44
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@taxbod i think u've got the wrong end of the stick, afaict me and @carlgardner are pretty much agreeing with each other on need for info?

2010-12-18 01:33:49
Carl Gardner @carlgardner

@bengoldacre @taxbod I think so too! No tweetwar here. I do what I can, but agree it's a job for the MSM, and that they've not been great.

2010-12-18 01:38:15
Carl Gardner @carlgardner

@bengoldacre Min. of Justice press office say they can't comment on treatment of individual prisoners @arusbridger @iankatz1000 @afuahirsch

2010-12-18 01:43:43
Carl Gardner @carlgardner

@bengoldacre Some journos have dug a bit - here's a "prison source" quoted that #Assange *asked* to be segregated http://bit.ly/giwsGs

2010-12-18 01:53:31
Carl Gardner @carlgardner

.@wikileaks Pl. can you confirm or deny if Julian Assange asked to be in prison segregation unit as per source quoted: http://bit.ly/eQ8hta

2010-12-18 02:10:46
Carl Gardner @carlgardner

Neither Ministry of Justice nor http://www.fsilaw.com/ will comment on prison treatment of #Assange.

2010-12-18 02:20:37
Carl Gardner @carlgardner

The CPS told me they made the decisions on bail #anyquestions

2010-12-18 05:10:04
Carl Gardner @carlgardner

And I've asked @MarksLarks and @wikileaks to help clarify how #Assange came to be segregated in prison #anyquestions Media should be asking!

2010-12-18 05:11:12
Henk Vengeance @badtiems

@bengoldacre so all you want is all allegations to be fully investigated, and anyone accused to be innocent until proven guilty, then?

2010-12-18 01:05:52
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

.@you_twits, i want the allegations of impropriety made against the swedish and uk legal systems to be factchecked by journalists.

2010-12-18 01:08:21
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@arusbridger @iankatz1000 hi, is anyone going to factcheck the allegations made by assange/stephens of legal impropriety by Swedes/UK?

2010-12-18 01:15:28
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@arusbridger @iankatz1000 no idea if true, but it all seems really checkable, there've been 11,000 articles on assange so far, but not this

2010-12-18 01:16:34
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@arusbridger @iankatz1000 feels a bit more useful - and answerable - than speculation on whether someone raped someone or falsely alleged &c

2010-12-18 01:18:18
clog @clogsilk

@bengoldacre why do you particularly want journalists to fact check? Why not anyone who could do the job, journalist or not?

2010-12-18 01:18:50
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@clogsilk i think this is a time when we need a respected news organisation with resources, access, specialist knowledge and est reputation

2010-12-18 01:19:26
lili @lilliray

Why don't you fact check??RT @bengoldacre .@carlgardner i dont know if what Assange is alleging about Swedish/UK (cont) http://tl.gd/7i17ba

2010-12-18 01:19:20
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