
リスク評価において放射線のものさしをとの主張がおこり、二言目には必ずつきまとう喫煙リスクと被ばくリスク、果たしてそれらは比較対象とすべきものなのか あるいは、喫煙によるもの以外についてはどうか
まさのあつこ @masanoatsuko

@YuriHiranuma 「放射線と他の有害物質と相乗効果についての研究」←なるほど〜。タバコや酒の影響と比較してたいしたことないと暴言する医師も日本では現れましたが、そうだったんですね

2015-07-12 15:36:17
Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma

@masanoatsuko はい。その研究をしていた研究者らとぜひ話をしてみたいです。何か論文が発表されてるかどうかもわかりません。UNSCEAR福島報告書ドラフト版では、震災時の化学物質汚染も無視できない、と書いてあった(=相乗効果は認識)のですが、最終版からは消えていました。

2015-07-12 15:47:54
リンク YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) セシウム排出、予測より遅い…作業員を追跡調査 福島第一原子力発電所で事故対応にあたった東京電力の作業員が体内に吸い込んだ放射性セシウムは、当初の予測より、体外への排出が遅いという追跡調査結果を、放射線医学総合研究所の谷幸太郎研究員らが発表した。

ポロニウム210による内部被ばく (日本人の自然放射線による年間実効線が変更された主な理由について)  

Calculation of lifetime lung cancer risks associated with radon exposure, based on various models and exposure scenarios


Nezahat Hunter1, Colin R Muirhead2, Francesco Bochicchio3 and Richard G E Haylock1
Published 17 June 2015 • © 2015 IOP Publishing Ltd • Journal of Radiological Protection, Volume 35, Number 3

Access : Lung cancer risk at low radon exposure rates in German uranium miners : British Journal of Cancer

Calculation of lifetime lung cancer risks associated with radon exposure, based on various models and exposure scenarios - IOPscience

リンク AIAPS Non-smoker? You Can Still Get Lung Cancer Through Radon | AIAPS Radon is a gaseous radioactive element. Know why you should get radon testing before buying a land or having your home constructed.

ICRP: ICRP Publication 115

Lung Cancer Risk from Radon and Progeny and Statement on Radon
ICRP Publication 115
Ann. ICRP 40(1), 2010

M. Tirmarche, J.D. Harrison, D. Laurier, F. Paquet, E. Blanchardon, J.W. Marsh

Abstract - Recent epidemiological studies of the association between lung cancer and exposure to radon and its decay products are reviewed. Particular emphasis is given to pooled case-control studies of residential exposures and to cohorts of underground miners exposed to relatively low levels of radon. The residential and miner epidemiological studies provide consistent estimates of lung cancer risk with statistically significant associations observed at average annual concentrations of about 200 Bq m-3 and cumulative occupational levels of about 50 WLM, respectively. Based on recent results from combined analyses of epidemiological studies of miners, a lifetime excess absolute risk of 5 × 10-4 per WLM (14 × 10-5 per mJ h m-3) should now be used as the nominal probability coefficient for radon and radon progeny induced lung cancer, replacing the previous ICRP Publication 65 value of 2.8 × 10-4 per WLM (8 × 10-5 per mJ h m-3). Current knowledge of radon associated risks for organs other than the lungs does not justify the selection of a detriment coefficient different from the fatality coefficient for radon-induced lung cancer.

ICRP Publication 65 recommended that doses from radon and its progeny should be calculated using a dose conversion convention based on epidemiological data. It is now concluded that radon and its progeny should be treated in the same way as other radionuclides within the ICRP system of protection; that is, doses from radon and radon progeny should be calculated using ICRP biokinetic and dosimetric models. ICRP will provide dose coefficients per unit exposure to radon and radon progeny for different reference conditions of domestic and occupational exposure, with specified equilibrium factors and aerosol characteristics.

Recommended reference format for citations
ICRP, 2010. Lung Cancer Risk from Radon and Progeny and Statement on Radon. ICRP Publication 115, Ann. ICRP 40(1).