My #velocityconf Day 2

Bridget Kromhout @bridgetkromhout

Great opening keynote from @lady_nerd - actions are not intentions; good people can explore “bad” actions. #betteroffbad #velocityconf

2015-05-29 01:45:38
O'Reilly Infrastructure & Ops @OReillyInfraOps

"Humans are wonderful things, but we're not good at passwords" @lady_nerd #VelocityConf

2015-05-29 01:46:38
David Genn @david_genn

"Cloud vendor lock in? A risk worth taking - just evaluate it frequently." From Dana Quinn @Intuit #velocityconf

2015-05-29 02:03:50
takus @takus_ja

Our company chose cloud-native toolsets as Intuit did. #velocityconf

2015-05-29 02:04:48
David Genn @david_genn

"Moving to the cloud? - watch your costs - remember to 'turn the cloud off'!" From Dana Quinn @Intuit #velocityconf

2015-05-29 02:05:01
O'Reilly Infrastructure & Ops @OReillyInfraOps

#Scale systems, not teams. Good teams & people are precious & will outlast code @shinynew_oz #VelocityConf scale != people

2015-05-29 02:23:18
Jose Cedeno @floppyearsa

Keep an eye on what's costing time, and consider "cost" broadly. @shinynew_oz #velocityconf

2015-05-29 02:30:37
Sarah Lachance @softwaresarah

Rule of Second Systems: Move the biggest customer first @shinynew_oz #velocityconf

2015-05-29 02:36:48
John Allspaw @allspaw

"Operations Engineering is a specialized skill set. It's not 'software engineering lite.' @mipsytipsy #velocityconf

2015-05-29 04:01:56
Sarah Lachance @softwaresarah

More required reading from #velocityconf via @mipsytipsy 'The Hard Things about Hard Things.'…

2015-05-29 04:17:10
Bridget Kromhout @bridgetkromhout

Pretty much exactly why I love working in ops at startups, tho I actually have a CS degree. @mipsytipsy #velocityconf

2015-05-29 04:21:08
Sarah Lachance @softwaresarah

Even with an Ops team, and especially with one, Dev still needs to care about the running of their own services. @mipsytipsy #velocityconf

2015-05-29 04:24:57
Sarah Lachance @softwaresarah

Deploy faster - anyone can deploy at any time, with minimum fanfare. Enables speed. @indec #velocityconf

2015-05-29 06:50:02
Sheldon Monteiro @sheldon_tm

You will create bugs, build wrong things, not foresee the unexpected. Accept failure, design to reduce failure costs @indec #velocityconf

2015-05-29 06:50:05
Bridget Kromhout @bridgetkromhout

"It feels good to be trusted." @indec on how Etsy is a flexible culture which accepts failure while minimizing its expense. #velocityconf

2015-05-29 06:50:08
takus @takus_ja

I asked some excellent companies in the exhibit hall that what documentation tool do you use? Everyone said Confluence. #velocityconf

2015-05-29 08:56:01