
月曜日、タイの高速道路で衝突事故が発生、乗り合いのヴァン(ミニバス)の乗客ら8人が死亡する、という痛ましい事態となったそうです。 衝突した車を運転していたのは16歳の女子だったそうです。無免許です。そのことから、この交通事故は「よくある悲劇」を超えるものになったようです。 つまり、「微笑みの国」のソーシャル・ネットでヘイト・キャンペーンが勃発。未成年であるにも関わらず彼女の名前がネットで「さらされ」、Facebookには彼女を「たたく」ページが登場、大勢がその主旨に賛同し(あるいは一部は、単にコメントを書き込むためにLikeボタンを押しているようですが)、Twitterでは「ihate*彼女の名*」というハッシュタグが登場。(これで「これはひどい」と思って事情を調べてみたのですが。) 続きを読む
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Aman @Amandilligaf

13 friends clicked like on FB & counting.did not even suggest page to a single soul #ihatepraewa.still some heat there,rumours plenty

2010-12-29 19:17:43

@Fringer entirely up to you if you find something acceptable about fascism or taking lessons on ethics from its supporters

2010-12-29 19:18:28

"RT @smartbrain @bkkbase sorry i was invited on radio and you weren't.” not only a fascist but a self-aggrandising cock as well

2010-12-29 19:19:40
สฤณี อาชวานันทกุล @Fringer

@andrewspooner I don't think @smartbrain is as fascist as you think, and I believe we can take ethical lessons from everyone.

2010-12-29 19:19:47
Aman @Amandilligaf

@RichardBarrow santika was tragic but too complicated to pin down,so many things went wrong.party scene vs ordinary ppl headed home

2010-12-29 19:20:04
Terry Fredrickson @terryfrd

CH3 just said 16-yr-old driver was being treated in hospital. Same girl as pictured next to car??

2010-12-29 19:20:38
สฤณี อาชวานันทกุล @Fringer

@andrewspooner But I understand your views. I just don't think @smartbrain position as PAD has much to do with this story :)

2010-12-29 19:20:45
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@andrewspooner My parting shot: I'm constantly in battle with my own cynicism; a little naivete does me some good. ;) @Fringer @smartbrain

2010-12-29 19:20:47

@bangkokpundit @thai101 @jonrussell @Fringer read @smartbrain's comments on Supinya's FB - he defriended her, inferring she supported hate

2010-12-29 19:21:22

@Fringer you seriously stating that people engaged in discussion & debate on progressive politics can learn lessons on ethics from fascists?

2010-12-29 19:23:04
สฤณี อาชวานันทกุล @Fringer

@andrewspooner I am stating that anyone can learn lessons on ethics from everyone else. Maybe not the same lessons people want to teach.

2010-12-29 19:23:55

@Fringer it does when @smartbrain starts moralising to Supinya about hate campaigns - PAD rely on hate campaigns

2010-12-29 19:24:46
Jon Russell @jonrussell

@andrewspooner but he is right in concluding that loss of faith in media has prompted this latest hate mob - or do yo disagree?

2010-12-29 19:26:04

@Fringer the only thing anybody committed to democracy and progressive politics can learn from fascism is how to oppose it

2010-12-29 19:26:07

@jonrussell faith in the media???? Hahahahaha - no, that's a v weak analysis. start with courts, generations of impunity etc etc

2010-12-29 19:27:04
Jon Russell @jonrussell

@fringer that's a great point - holding a closed mind is as bad as holding poor ethics

2010-12-29 19:27:24
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@veen_NT @smartbrain Then people should direct their anger at the system, not at a child, no matter how terrible an accident she caused.

2010-12-29 19:28:05

@jonrussell that view is overly deterministic - the conditions for these kind of hate campaigns are tightly bound up with numerous factors

2010-12-29 19:28:28
สฤณี อาชวานันทกุล @Fringer

@andrewspooner No matter what @smartbrain believes, I agree with him about mainstream media's failure & Thais losing faith in justice.

2010-12-29 19:29:43

@jonrussell people in progressive democracies dont look to media in situations like this - they look to courts and police

2010-12-29 19:29:43
Jon Russell @jonrussell

@andrewspooner its clearly established that few have faith in judicial system

2010-12-29 19:30:04
สฤณี อาชวานันทกุล @Fringer

@andrewspooner Which isn't to say that I agree with any hate speech campaign. So see, you can agree with fascists on some things :)

2010-12-29 19:30:35
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@andrewspooner @jonrussell Actually he said "lost faith in the system," but yeah he also did condemn the media.

2010-12-29 19:30:36

@Fringer don't get this obsession with the media - you have a system where powerful can kill and get away with it - happened for decades

2010-12-29 19:31:43
สฤณี อาชวานันทกุล @Fringer

@andrewspooner It's not obsession. @smartbrain merely points out that media's biased reporting yesterday fueled the hate campaign.

2010-12-29 19:32:36
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