
月曜日、タイの高速道路で衝突事故が発生、乗り合いのヴァン(ミニバス)の乗客ら8人が死亡する、という痛ましい事態となったそうです。 衝突した車を運転していたのは16歳の女子だったそうです。無免許です。そのことから、この交通事故は「よくある悲劇」を超えるものになったようです。 つまり、「微笑みの国」のソーシャル・ネットでヘイト・キャンペーンが勃発。未成年であるにも関わらず彼女の名前がネットで「さらされ」、Facebookには彼女を「たたく」ページが登場、大勢がその主旨に賛同し(あるいは一部は、単にコメントを書き込むためにLikeボタンを押しているようですが)、Twitterでは「ihate*彼女の名*」というハッシュタグが登場。(これで「これはひどい」と思って事情を調べてみたのですが。) 続きを読む
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@noname_8 @tisgurl @on_off_course lets hope that this unfortunate death helps prevent many other deaths, speed cameras please

2010-12-29 19:06:29

@thai101 @fringer i don't care if someone is polite or likes cyber freedom - politically @smartbrain supports fascism

2010-12-29 19:07:11
Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow

I understand their frustration. They want justice. But let her be tried by court of law. None of us here know the facts.

2010-12-29 19:07:13
James @on_off_course

@f_dinkum Horrible pic =( can't tell from that tho, but friend that knows him much better than me says it was definitely him on the bridge.

2010-12-29 19:07:28

@thai101 @Fringer and previously @smartbrain and the PAD have been 100% behind hate campaigns - they wrote the rule book

2010-12-29 19:08:12

@thai101 @fringer and, to be honest, your belief that there are some "good fascists" is incredibly naive

2010-12-29 19:09:17
bangkokpundit @bangkokpundit

@RichardBarrow couldn't agree more. A prompt investigation to establish the facts is needed

2010-12-29 19:09:51

@noname_8 @tisgurl @on_off_course yep, this accident could be a poster child for reckless driving and the consequences, reduce deaths

2010-12-29 19:10:08

@bangkokpundit why bring up the argument there are some good "fascists"?

2010-12-29 19:10:36
James @on_off_course

@f_dinkum @noname_8 @tisgurl Well there are similar accidents all the time, can't see anything changing fast...

2010-12-29 19:10:48
Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow

2 years ago, 66 people died in the Santika Pub Fire. Who was made accountable? No-one. So start a Facebook page on that.

2010-12-29 19:10:51

@jonrussell not a grudge - about political and ethical values - i know mine, if others don't and won't stand for them, their problem

2010-12-29 19:11:17

@bangkokpundit this spurious reasoning that if you mention Hitler you lose the debate is complete BS

2010-12-29 19:12:03

@on_off_course @noname_8 @tisgurl if the driver of Civic was a factory worker from Canon, in Ayuthaya w/ licensse, she'd be vilified as well

2010-12-29 19:12:12
Aman @Amandilligaf

@bangkokpundit @RichardBarrow that bit comes in the end.emotions are high a lot of them were students & ppl relate to using these vans

2010-12-29 19:13:18

@bangkokpundit do you think there are some good fascists out there? Maybe there were some good people supporting Aparthied?

2010-12-29 19:13:39
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@andrewspooner Must bow out of this one, too. I think you and I are unlikely to budge one another's views here.. cc @Fringer @smartbrain

2010-12-29 19:13:43

@bangkokpundit @thai101 @Fringer of course some people get caught up in things but @smartbrain is a committed PAD fascist

2010-12-29 19:14:29
Hank Champon @hchampon

@thai101 Siam country is currently inundated with mob mentality. Sanity is rare commodity now. Privacy is not valued at all. #ihatepraewa

2010-12-29 19:14:39

@Fringer @jonrussell @thai101 @bangkokpundit and while you may all find @smartbrain's politics and ethics acceptable to some degree i don't

2010-12-29 19:15:48
สฤณี อาชวานันทกุล @Fringer

@andrewspooner @smartbrain I second @thai101. This isn't something we can change each other's opinions, let alone one tweet at time :P

2010-12-29 19:16:01
James @on_off_course

@noname_8 @f_dinkum me too =( least we can hope it ended painlessly. I don't think a "factory worker" would be vilified in the same way...

2010-12-29 19:16:46

@jonrussell yes, @smartbrain should be bashed when he surfaces making ridiculous hypocritical pronouncements condemning hate campaigns

2010-12-29 19:16:57

@Amandilligaf @bangkokpundit @RichardBarrow we have all used those vans before, it could be anyone! that's why this is so heated

2010-12-29 19:17:01
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