
月曜日、タイの高速道路で衝突事故が発生、乗り合いのヴァン(ミニバス)の乗客ら8人が死亡する、という痛ましい事態となったそうです。 衝突した車を運転していたのは16歳の女子だったそうです。無免許です。そのことから、この交通事故は「よくある悲劇」を超えるものになったようです。 つまり、「微笑みの国」のソーシャル・ネットでヘイト・キャンペーンが勃発。未成年であるにも関わらず彼女の名前がネットで「さらされ」、Facebookには彼女を「たたく」ページが登場、大勢がその主旨に賛同し(あるいは一部は、単にコメントを書き込むためにLikeボタンを押しているようですが)、Twitterでは「ihate*彼女の名*」というハッシュタグが登場。(これで「これはひどい」と思って事情を調べてみたのですが。) 続きを読む
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bangkokpundit @bangkokpundit

3. Punishment & not escaping punishment because aside from mechanical failure it is hard to see what defence she has. Perhaps, the FB group

2010-12-29 14:33:12
bangkokpundit @bangkokpundit

4. May want to wait until rushing to judgment, no?

2010-12-29 14:34:31
bangkokpundit @bangkokpundit

Previous tweet meant to say she is 16 and above the age of criminal responsibility which is 10

2010-12-29 14:35:47
Aman @Amandilligaf

cant help but feel angry maybe not hate.doubt justice will prevail #ihatepraewa heart of the problem social hierachy in #thai society

2010-12-29 14:36:32

@thai101 @on_off_course As I'm sure you're well aware,there is no freedom without rules,those who cant or wont respect the rules should pay.

2010-12-29 14:45:08

@thai101 Rules that prevent kids from playing with cars help ensure our freedom to travel safely and that's exactly as it should be.

2010-12-29 14:46:53

@thai101 I know it's nice up in the moral high ground,I've been there often,but reality is always there when you come back down.

2010-12-29 14:48:23
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@graphiccard Your cynicism over the legal system is understandable. Must agree to disagree re vigilante harassment.

2010-12-29 14:49:40
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@graphiccard Look, I'm regularly critical of the establishment, but I don't believe in vigilante justice. Snipe as you will.

2010-12-29 14:51:28

@thai101 If this case was to be tried in Europe for example I wouldn't give it a second thought (may be wrong) But in Thailand? Come on!

2010-12-29 14:52:11
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@graphiccard I share your cynicism, but can't condone vigilantes fabricating BB conversations, posting personal family contact details.

2010-12-29 14:53:54
James @on_off_course

@thai101 @graphiccard there are double standards & demonizing her doesn't help. Would we demonize others involved in tragic road accidents?

2010-12-29 14:55:32
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@bkkbase Seems it's illegal to disclose name of minor. Hey, @bangkokpundit, what's the exact law here?

2010-12-29 14:58:15
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@graphiccard It's an accident. Guilty? Seems so. But it's not voluntary. Even if she goes scott free, girl still has to live with herself.

2010-12-29 15:04:18
James @on_off_course

@GlobalMouthful @thai101 @graphiccard Didn't say the accident is not her fault (tho, of course it was an accident), I said it's not her...

2010-12-29 15:04:22
James @on_off_course

@GlobalMouthful @thai101 @graphiccard fault there are double standards. Why not complain about the police etc if they won't enforce the law?

2010-12-29 15:05:00
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@mhonism Her surname is common knowledge now. Was just pointing out that the law prohibits revealing names of minors in such cases.

2010-12-29 15:06:31
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@mhonism Too late for that, of course, however newspapers etc are removing her name from reports to avoid legal liability.

2010-12-29 15:06:57
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

If you want to retain any faith in the basic goodness of Thai people, I suggest you do not follow the #ihatePraewa tag.

2010-12-29 16:35:10
Aman @Amandilligaf

#ihatepraewa here is something worth fighting for http://on.fb.me/fqqXgE its 97,402 & counting #thailand not hate but fairness

2010-12-29 16:39:02
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

Sample: "Good thing she didn't die. Stay and suffer your karma. So vile even the grim reaper won't take her. :)" Transl. of @mmindxz #ugh

2010-12-29 16:44:22
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

More ugly Thai hatred: "No conscience. No self-awareness. Or maybe she has no humanity to be aware of?" Transl. of @portaiter

2010-12-29 16:49:19
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