
月曜日、タイの高速道路で衝突事故が発生、乗り合いのヴァン(ミニバス)の乗客ら8人が死亡する、という痛ましい事態となったそうです。 衝突した車を運転していたのは16歳の女子だったそうです。無免許です。そのことから、この交通事故は「よくある悲劇」を超えるものになったようです。 つまり、「微笑みの国」のソーシャル・ネットでヘイト・キャンペーンが勃発。未成年であるにも関わらず彼女の名前がネットで「さらされ」、Facebookには彼女を「たたく」ページが登場、大勢がその主旨に賛同し(あるいは一部は、単にコメントを書き込むためにLikeボタンを押しているようですが)、Twitterでは「ihate*彼女の名*」というハッシュタグが登場。(これで「これはひどい」と思って事情を調べてみたのですが。) 続きを読む
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Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

Thai tweeters trying to argue that seatbelts in the van might have helped prevent deaths are angrily shouted down.

2010-12-29 16:51:23
Jon Russell @jonrussell

@amandilligaf "not hate but fairness" --- really? kidding yourself on that one cc @thai101

2010-12-29 16:52:35
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@gnarlykitty Was referring to discussions going on in the #ihatePraewa tag.. thoughtless hatred is immune to reason, it seems.

2010-12-29 16:53:20
Kitty @gnarlykitty

@thai101 there's a tag already? The girl did bad, but she was not tweeting in the photo and the alleged "tweet" was made up.

2010-12-29 16:54:25
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@gnarlykitty Did you see the fake BB chat log, too? Bad enough people make this stuff, but just idiotic that people believe it.

2010-12-29 16:54:58
Kitty @gnarlykitty

@thai101 and retweet/reposting it. Then Thai media fools will pick it up and report it. Oh wait..

2010-12-29 16:55:42
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@gnarlykitty Not only is there a tag.. it's #1 trending tag in Thailand by a large margin: http://bit.ly/fT0drT

2010-12-29 16:56:11
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

The Facebook hate group for Praewa may close soon. Group admin stated it's been locked, unable to post new content.

2010-12-29 16:58:17
Jon Russell @jonrussell

@thai101 look at the mentions for @PUREloveNUT who was incorrectly outed as the driver [more mentions than anyone else in TH]

2010-12-29 17:00:19
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@andrewspooner I'd be surprised if those gushing with hatred for this kid aren't the same as the anti-Kanthup crowd, crackdown mongers, etc.

2010-12-29 17:01:19
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@Angel_Ming A valid concern, however Facebook is a private company that has prerogative to close whatever group it wishes.

2010-12-29 17:02:20
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@andrewspooner Closed by Facebook, no doubt, not govt. No reason to believe govt is involved.

2010-12-29 17:03:19
Jon Russell @jonrussell

@isamare while @PUREloveNUT who was falsely accused of being the driver is the most mentioned Twitter user in TH

2010-12-29 17:04:03
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

Unsourced rumor, not credible at all, being widely RTed that the case has been closed by police and the girl fined 400 baht. #tollwaycrash

2010-12-29 17:04:59
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

Another competing rumor states that she fled the country last night. #tollwaycrash

2010-12-29 17:05:14
James @on_off_course

@thai101 Another rumour was that she's from the same family as a chief advisor to Gen Prayuth, another family member is former Dep Army -

2010-12-29 17:06:35
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@andrewspooner Sure, but still no reason to believe they did. I don't know how many anti-red groups they closed, but certainly closed some.

2010-12-29 17:06:40
James @on_off_course

@thai101 Commander in Chief and she's also related to Sudsai Hasadin, the guy that formed the Krating Daeng.

2010-12-29 17:07:11
James @on_off_course

@daveoli @thai101 See, I just tweeted it and Dave is already repeating the rumour :P See how fast it catches on... @tri26 says she's not

2010-12-29 17:09:15
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@andrewspooner It's absolutely not credible that the case is closed 36 hours after crash and that she was fined 400 baht.

2010-12-29 17:10:59
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@andrewspooner As I said, the group is still there, with a message from admin saying it may be closed because it's been locked.

2010-12-29 17:11:50

@thai101 several issues collide here - 1) why is public transport, mostly used by low earners, so unsafe and badly regulated?

2010-12-29 17:13:14
Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

@andrewspooner The van wasn't actually public transport. University-owned and operated commuter van, is my understanding now.

2010-12-29 17:14:02

@thai101 2) why are rich privileged Thais able to act with complete impunity, never being brought to trial for their crimes?

2010-12-29 17:14:12

@thai101 3) why did the Thai govt allow anti-Red hate campaigns to circulate unchecked online?

2010-12-29 17:15:06
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