Wikileaks公式&ニュース系英語tweetまとめ~米司法省の裁判所命令の意味をめぐる思案 #cablegate [2011年-03] #wl_jp

米司法省からTwitter社へのユーザー情報開示請求のcourt order/subpoenaについては前スレ参照: これをどう解釈するかについて、米国の法律に詳しい人たちの間でも、意見が割れている。命令書の文面が曖昧で、どのようにも解釈できるため。ただしWikileaks公式(と弁護士)が主張するように、「@wikileaksを一方的にフォローしているだけでも司法省にデータを取られる」というのは、サウンドバイトとしてならともかく、真面目に受け取るべきことかどうか?(60万人以上に影響することについて、Twitter社が告知をしないということがあるか?)……といった話が、前スレから続いている。
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Alec Ross @AlecJRoss

.@weddady Diplomacy is action. Not all action is military action. #sidibouzid

2011-01-09 02:30:05
Trevor Timm @trevortimm

Wording of Attach A (B)(3) in #Wikileaks subpoena unclear. Did gov't request actual content of DMs? @declanm thinks so, @ggreenwald does not

2011-01-09 02:31:12
Trevor Timm @trevortimm

If govt *does* get content, #Wikileaks has strong constitutional challenge. 6th Cir. struck down 2703(d) a month ago

2011-01-09 02:33:01
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@WLLegal I agree it's unclear - I read that to mean internal Twitter correspondence re: account, but could be DMs

2011-01-09 02:35:01
Greg Mitchell @GregMitch

#Subpoenas Twitter makes it as a top 7 trending topic here. To find out why: #wikileaks

2011-01-09 02:39:38
Trevor Timm @trevortimm

@rohanjay Even if the manual is correct and they *may* get access, they still have to properly request it in the court order. cc @declanm

2011-01-09 02:39:55
Trevor Timm @trevortimm

@exiledsurfer There are different rules for 2703(d) in 9th Circuit (SF) but not in Alexandria, I believe.

2011-01-09 02:41:24
Daniel Ellsberg (Memorial) @DanielEllsberg

True! RT @Sherry_Reson: Last nt at the public library, @DanielEllsberg had unstinting/repeated praise for @GGreenwald.

2011-01-09 02:43:02
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

The Obama DOJ's Twitter subpoena is making news all over the world: The whole world uses Twitter

2011-01-09 02:45:48
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Brazil's largest media outlet on DOJ's Twitter subpoena - - & a British WL critic: Not going over well

2011-01-09 02:55:47
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

History of US govt's affair with the Internet: From Twitter Revolutions to Twitter Counter-Revolutions in just 18 months!

2011-01-09 02:59:29
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

@AlecJRoss is there an irony problem at State Dept? I think we've seen many examples of "behind the scenes" diplomacy in the last few months

2011-01-09 03:05:37
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

@weddady I'm sure Alec has already called for their release via Twitter DMs - we just need DOJ to subpoena Twitter to get them

2011-01-09 03:09:33
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Very interesting discussion of my WSJ piece over at Reddit (via @WikiTerms)

2011-01-09 03:13:21
birgitta jonsdottir @birgittaj

Today i talked with the minister of Foreign Affairs, minister of Justice and the President of the Icelandic Parliament: more to come soon.

2011-01-09 03:19:17
birgitta jonsdottir @birgittaj

talked with USA lawyers late last night - will get some legal advice Monday.

2011-01-09 03:21:06
Mark Stephens @MarksLarks

@birgittaj enjoyed your contributions to uk media. If you want to chat happu to o so. Regards Mark Stephens

2011-01-09 03:31:34
Nadim Kobeissi @kaepora

DoJ asking Twitter for accounts' financial info, which Twitter doesn't use - could indicate that DoJ subpoena is actually a re-used draft.

2011-01-09 03:32:16
Trevor Timm @trevortimm

RT @emptywheel: RT @faisalislam: Assange's lawyer Mark Stephens has just told #C4News that Skype might have been subject of a subpoena

2011-01-09 03:33:06
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Subpoenas are not yet big in China. Its government still has to use cyber-attacks to get user data from US tech companies

2011-01-09 03:35:13
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Iranian government must feel really bad that it can't use subpoenas to track down every tweet sent during #iranelections

2011-01-09 03:56:47
Mark Stephens @MarksLarks

@steve1anderson @faisalislam not given requested by US DOJ. That's why subpoena being resisted.

2011-01-09 04:00:49
Mark Stephens @MarksLarks

@faisalislam not "given" but "requested" by US DOJ. That's why subpoena being resisted. Basic info on followers. Its harassment.

2011-01-09 04:02:59
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