Wikileaks公式&ニュース系英語tweetまとめ~米司法省の裁判所命令の意味をめぐる思案 #cablegate [2011年-03] #wl_jp

米司法省からTwitter社へのユーザー情報開示請求のcourt order/subpoenaについては前スレ参照: これをどう解釈するかについて、米国の法律に詳しい人たちの間でも、意見が割れている。命令書の文面が曖昧で、どのようにも解釈できるため。ただしWikileaks公式(と弁護士)が主張するように、「@wikileaksを一方的にフォローしているだけでも司法省にデータを取られる」というのは、サウンドバイトとしてならともかく、真面目に受け取るべきことかどうか?(60万人以上に影響することについて、Twitter社が告知をしないということがあるか?)……といった話が、前スレから続いている。
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@BiancaJagger I'd be surprised if that were not the case.

2011-01-08 23:54:14
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@Ciardetti Leaking U.S. violence, criminality and corruption isn't about transparency? We have vastly different understandings of terms

2011-01-09 00:17:18
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@Nanbp Read the order - it has nothing to do with getting tweets

2011-01-09 00:23:20
Greg Mitchell @GregMitch

Note to DOJ: You can't stop me, you can't even contain me.

2011-01-09 00:34:51
Bianca Jagger Nicaraguense por gracia de Dios 🇳🇮 @BiancaJagger

RT@ggreenwald: hope journalists writing re Twitter/WikiLeaks remember: WL did nothing more than what investigative journalists do everyday

2011-01-09 00:38:37
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@BSchuler Virtually all challenges to power centers lead to greater repression - the reaction often most hurts power itself: also ironic.

2011-01-09 00:48:03
Alec Ross @AlecJRoss

The State Department has been engaging directly with Govt of #Tunisa regarding recent hackings and protests #sidibouzid

2011-01-09 00:49:12
Alec Ross @AlecJRoss

We (@StateDept) have been conveying our views directly to the Government of #Tunisia, in Tunis and in Washington. #sidibouzid #netfreedom

2011-01-09 01:00:05
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

State Dept worries about cyber-attacks on the web-sites of the Tunisian govt (!) - but not about attacks on WikiLeaks

2011-01-09 01:07:21
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Had the State Dept redacted the cables pre-publication (as WL offered) there would be no need to create that 30-person unit #wasteofmoney

2011-01-09 01:09:27
Bianca Jagger Nicaraguense por gracia de Dios 🇳🇮 @BiancaJagger

RT @submergingmkt: #US subpoenae power is not extraterritorial;#Twitter needs 2 "just say no" 2 #DOJ invasions of free speech, privacy

2011-01-09 01:17:24
Trevor Timm @trevortimm

.@emptywheel on what the government may really be after with its subpoena of Twitter #Wikileaks

2011-01-09 01:24:51
Trevor Timm @trevortimm

The Telegraph: Twitter deserves credit for defending its users' rights #Wikileaks

2011-01-09 01:34:22
Trevor Timm @trevortimm

Stored Communications Act (includes 2703(d)) was written in 1986, when email was almost non-existent. It's a relic, like the Espionage Act.

2011-01-09 01:51:21
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

@calixte @_x4o that silly "democracyis" contest was organized by State Dept in 2010 - it's over. I doubt they'll want to run it again

2011-01-09 01:53:29
Trevor Timm @trevortimm

SCA expert Oren Kerr: Statute "dense," "confusing;" "courts, legislators, & even legal scholars have..a..hard time making sense of the SCA"

2011-01-09 01:53:38
Trevor Timm @trevortimm

There's an effort by EFF, Google, HP, MS, and others to amend the law to require search warrants: (via @declanm)

2011-01-09 01:58:00
Trevor Timm @trevortimm

"a doc stored on a desktop computer is protected by..the 4th Amend, but [if] the same doc stored with an ISP," warrant clause may not apply.

2011-01-09 02:00:59
Trevor Timm @trevortimm

@ggreenwald there is some discrepancy in news accounts& language of Attach. A unclear.Can the DOJ access actual content of their DMs or not?

2011-01-09 02:05:19
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

In his characteristically blunt and profane manner, John Cole puts the WikiLeaks subpoena into proper context:

2011-01-09 02:06:26
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@WLLegal I did not read that document as seeking private messages or other communication content.

2011-01-09 02:06:52
Greg Mitchell @GregMitch

John Burns w/ major NYT piece on WIkiLeaks / DOJ / Twitter case:

2011-01-09 02:14:51
Trevor Timm @trevortimm

@ggreenwald thanks. I read "correspondence..related to the account" to mean notes *about* (not *in*) account--wording is unclear though

2011-01-09 02:19:33
Trevor Timm @trevortimm

RT @nytimes: U.S. Subpoenas Twitter Accounts of WikiLeaks Figures

2011-01-09 02:21:24
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